Err… What the??
I lifted this from Earthwing Skateboards where they have a larger version and no information other than this is a guy named Adam Auger, who apparently rides for Rayne. That’s the Montreal Olympic Stadium. There are lots of shots eslewhwere, but this is the only shot I’ve seen of it from this angle. It almost looks as if there is a half pipe at the bottom where the roof meets the ground in the, uh, foreground. Pretty clever, actually. The snow melts and funnels into a collection pond. Previously, the only skateboarding I’ve heard about associated with this stadium is Big O. Getting back to Adam Auger, I don’t know anything about him, but there’s a video after the jump and some random Big O vids too.
This is an Adam Auger video. It’s downhill slide action, some of it on short boards. I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for downhill slide that dates back to the first time I ever saw it on the Bones Brigade video. I can hear the echoes of the wildlife (howler monkeys?) in my head right now. Downhill guys, help me out here. Is “Coleman slide” just an all encompassing term for that type of sliding, or is there a specific move known as the Coleman Slide? The thing I liked about that early footage was the speed. This type of downhill skating has been enjoying a surge in popularity for a while now. Ironically, it’s taking some cues from street skating in the early 90’s. Some technical sliding comes at the expense of speed, which is exactly where I lose interest. It’s kind of like watching some of those 90’s skate videos where the moves are amazing but then you realize they are moving less than 2 miles an hour on that curb, so what’s the point? Right. Theres some speed and some tehcno in this vid, but sadly, no skating on top of the Montreal Olympic Stadium.
Random Big O videos.
Aw heck, here’s the link, go find your own.
How many skaters became architects so they could infiltrate the system? I know two.
The idea of covertly incorporating skateable stuff into commercial buildings was actually their original motivation to become architects. The reality so far has been different but we’ll see.
I wonder how many more are out there.
Watch this one: http://youtube.com/watch?v=DcwOGkC0OOU
Marc Tison is bad to the bone.
i’ve met adam auger at a few races. he’s one of the best sliders i’ve seen and he’s also a chill guy.
cliff coleman was one of the originators of the downhill slide so his name gets associated with it quite often. the “coleman” slide the type of slide you usually see cliff coleman doing. crouched down on the board with front hand behind you.
now-a-days people are doing many different variations of the downhill slide. compared to the bones brigade, people are going faster and doing more technical tricks(most of it stand-up). some of the stuff i have seen at slide comps blows me away. it is very cool to see each sliders different style and technique. fun stuff!
How about when a certain Seattle person skated the Kingdome???
thanks for the post man!
adam auger rides for earthwing skateboards these days, and hails from way up north in the frozen wastes of canadialand.
he’s a rockin dude and one of the best sliders out there, we’re honored to have him with us. keep checking our site for more crazy slide stunts from adam and our other sliders with even less info about each shot!
So spill the bean on the stadium shot. Real or photoshop? I mean it’s obviously a composite, but did he actually do it?
yup. completely real. he’s the man. respect on the highest level.
Sorry, Marc Tison steals the show. He is so humble that he would be embarrassed to be in the middle of a skateboard vs. longboard debate, even such a painfully indirect and polite one as this, artificially stirred up by moi. I am so not a hater and I totally love longboarding and I think Rayne is a completely rad company and from what it sounds this Adam guy is a real nice fellow.
But here is what the skaters are saying: The roof stunt is pretty mediocre and the downhilling is way too slow. It’s all been done before, and if you post up stuff that’s not up to par, you are inviting people to cut you down. Let’s see some pipe footage instead.
Egbert cuts straight to the chase – Tison is one of the most unrecognized and underrated skaters of all time. Talking about the Big O is a joke unless you’re talking about Tison and Barry Walsh and every other local there, who shred harder than 90% of every skater who has ever existed.
Then we have some downhillers who seem strangely defensive and are trying to elevate themselves above the Bones Brigade?! Whoa whoa whoa. Mistake! And how come all these dudes who have been skating for 20+ years have never heard of a “Coleman Slide” ? Maybe I am an ignorant DT/ZBs-educated buffoon, but the Bertleman explanation makes way more sense to me.
Bobcat promptly chimes in with what is probably the greatest skateboarding stunt in history.
Then this shit gets so hot that we need to know that homie actually has a NEW SPONSOR, not Rayne. Again, no dis, Earthwing seems totally legit.
Then finally we get to whether the photo is real. Laughable.
I’m not bitter, and I am embarrassed to start some drama with longboarders. I think anything with 4 wheels is OK. But I can’t be silent when cats are making wild claims, and straight dissing on each other and hysterically pretending to be all nice about it. Respect in skateboarding has to be earned. Sorry I had to be a kook and call BS on this but this is supposed to be Skate and ANNOY, not Skate and Tiptoe Around the Issue.
This may be a bit “street” for this website but the pillars at the bottom of the building have been skated before. Check out PJ Ladd in this clip – just past the 30 second mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKH0x6yXf7s
I’m sure some Montreal rippers have left their mark there as well.
“Too street?” Nonsense!
Um, what the hell are you talking about? I’ve read your post twice trying to understand it, but cannot figure out what the hell you are mad about, or what the hell your point is. Kilwag found a picture he thought was interesting and he posted it. No ulterior motives, that’s it. If you have some light to shed, then do so, but do it in a less cryptic and less belligerent manner please.
“And how come all these dudes who have been skating for 20+ years have never heard of a
The Montreal Olympic Stadium is by far on of the best skate spots I have visited in my travels. Besides the pipe, there’s every type of stairs, ledges, steel benches, bank to ledges,curved ledge, bank to canadian barrier, banked retaining walls over double sets imaginable. As well as the roof of the stadium.
I was told by my friends up there that no one cared about skating there because the whole complex cost millions and is falling apart. Their kid’s kids will still be paying it off.
Um: i have to say i take that kind of stuff personally.
what downhill slider here put themselves ahead of any other kind of skating?
also why wouldnt i point out that adam now rides for us, rayne got props why shouldnt we? we’re proud of adam.
and as for coleman. hey, he rides for us too. wanna hear the history of the coleman as cliff himself tells it? maybe YOU will learn something… a coleman is a bertleman at speed, and a bertleman is a stationaruy coleman. cliff was such a fan of bertleman’s he always referred to both as a bert, but when the 2 met they had such respect for each other they started calling the trick by the others name. bertleman refers to it as a coleman, cliff refers to it as a bert. and yeah, neither is a layback.
maybe you still dont get it but its not skateboard vs longboard. we skate all kinds of boards and structures all different ways and respect anyone who skates anything. hell my slide boards are often pool shapes ive cut down. 30.5 x 8.5 with a 14.5 WB
it may be your opinion that the roof stunt was mediocre, but at least adam did something different, not just skate the same bench/pool/stairs the same way as everyone else.
thanks again s’n’a… now wheres my june ebay watch
i need my monthly fix!
A Coleman is a damn good cooler, son.
Here’s where I’m coming from. I think the photo is rad, regardless of whether or not the grade is steep or whatever. It’s not always just about the action.
I provide links to who the guy rides for out of courtesy. I got it wrong so I don’t mind be corrected. Links are there as a courtesy, since I poached the picture.
I know who Cliff Coleman is, but I didn’t know the proper definition of the Coleman slide.
Short board vs. longboard? How about skateboard?
On a side note, this thread got me to looking for the Pipe Fiends book put out by Barry Walsh and Marc Tison. Here is a link to a Montreal book store which has some copies left. Just ordered mine.
I saw a photo of someone doing a pivot to fakie on the halfpipe in the bottom part of this picture, I think it was The skateboardmag not sure which issue.