Oregon Trifecta news
Two of the event locations for this years Oregon Trifecta have been announced. For some reason one is still in Washington. The overall purse looks a lot bigger, and appears to include some sort of ATV. (Not that kind of ATV as seen on Wheelbite) What’s the stock photo graphic doing up there? It came from a recent iStockphoto.com promotion and signifies my surprise at finding out that the Trifecta’s official web site thinks I’m running some sort of free stock photo service. I don’t begrudge them, but a heads up and a spot on the links page would have been nice. Crap. I think I’m in Chicago for my grandmother’s 90’th birthday that weekend. – Thanks to Ryan Hass and Jeff Hottle for the tips.
I was always under the impression that the 20,000$ purse was a ladies handbag that Dave Duncan just carried around
How bout a bifecta?
More Slurring and incoherentness-Fecta is more like it. ZZzzzzzz. Rather get bit by a rattlesnake than suffer another Choppy Circus.
This thing is a joke just ask Bryce. I am owed $75. When I ask the guys behind the table for my money,the ones I gave the money to, who do you think they said had my purse. The one guy who has proven year after year to be the most irresposible and no its not Ben Schroder. Thats wright CHOPPY stole my money Omega. I wonder If I will enter this year?
I mostly go to watch the pro’s from my childhood and session the other parts of LC that are open to non-contestants, the rest of the weekend tends to blow.
No, all the blow is in choppy’s van…
Grover, someone stole your purse?
If it’s such a bad time, why’re you always trying to get me to come Grover?!??
Choppy owes me like $400- so there’s no chance in hell I’ll ever help him out again. Whom-ever it is at Red Bull that doesn’t care about 25-30K is a dipshit too. I call a boycott!
???? Pier, ??? Glenhaven,??? Tigard.
THats an expensive purse, I wonder what brand?
If it really is money, I hope its in a money order, and that people actually get it! It is fun sometimes just to watch some of the heads ride NW parks though, maby Christian will come through this year and skate!..