Gabriel Park is Closed

Gabriel park is CLOSED

First off, GABRIEL PARK IS CLOSED. Stephanie from Airspeed wanted to make sure everyone knows that. It won’t open until sometime in July, and the first citation for trespassing has already been issued. That being said, she did give me the go ahead to post the rest of the pictures from the test session last weekend. Afterwards a certain Dr. Brad made a the excellent comment “That was awesome. Wait… This is the place that everyone was bitching about?”

More shots from the Gabriel Park invite session. Click to enlarge.

Gabriel Park

It’s Rich Burton. He’s got a second round of shots up at EPM
Gabriel Park invite session

Mark Conahan
Gabriel Park - Mark Conahan

Mark Conahan
Gabriel Park - Mark Conahan

Steve Grover smells his armpit.
Gabriel Park - Steve Grover

Mark Conahan
Gabriel Park - Mark Conahan

Mike Swim. What concrete crew rivalry?
Gabriel Park - Mike Swim

Rich Burton. Nice sticker on that knee brace!
Gabriel Park - Rich Burton

Steve Grover
Gabriel Park - Steve Grover

Mark Conahan, alternate from the SOTW.
Gabriel Park - MArk Conahan

Mike Swim
Gabriel Park - Mike Swim

Steve Grover
Gabriel Park - Steve Grover

Gabriel Park


12 thoughts on “Gabriel park is CLOSED

  1. yo momma on June 12, 2008 - Reply

    DIATRIBES….It’s fun but not gnarly.

  2. enemy combatant on June 12, 2008 - Reply

    They weren’t issuing citations at dawn on Monday. 🙂
    It’s great ‘cuz it has easy drop-ins and lots of room for mellow carving.

  3. Perhaps you should chalk a scumline to guide your carves.

  4. Skate and Annoy, the website that can’t make up its mind if something is dead or alive or even if it is opened or closed.

  5. enemy combatant on June 12, 2008 - Reply

    “Perhaps you should chalk a scumline to guide your carves.”

    I don’t need chalk to guide me and my lines aren’t scummy, they’re groovy!

  6. Jeez..thanks for all the teasing guys :-O

  7. Nice pics dude. That guy in the red shirt needs to amp it up though. More GP pics tomorrow on EPM Foto-Friday. Is the spot blown out yet? 🙂

  8. How much will parking cost?

  9. Fuh-reee!

  10. I love MCs “pull my finger” airs!

  11. hectic-in-seattle on June 13, 2008 - Reply


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