fiberglass pool

Why do we skate pools?

I skate pools because Thrasher told me I in so many words that I was supposed to. I can’t remember the first time I read it, but I know the idea occurred to me originally because I would read about it Thrasher in the Mid 80’s. Each new issue of Thrasher used to be an all encompassing event for me. There simply was no other way to connect with skaters across the country, and across time. Reading Thrasher left an indelible imprint in my mind that roots skaters, real skaters skated backyard pools. As a result, I skated some pretty crappy pools in central Illinois. These weren’t exactly backyard, but more like municipal pools and hotel or apartment building pools. None of them were anything to write home about, and yet we pressed on.

With the abundance of so many stellar skateparks lately, you might question if it’s worth the hassle of skating an illicit pool. If you just want to get some quality skate time, you are probably better served at a sanctioned location. I mean, unless the pool is near perfect, your average skateboarder of modest abilities won’t be pulling most of his tricks out of the bag at a pool.

Admittedly, I’m not a regular pool rider of any great frequency. But every time I make the effort I am reminded of why I do it. I still felt energized hours after a session yesterday, and this was a pool session where I could barely ride the thing and failed to grind completely. As I lay in bed trying to sleep I could not keep thoughts of new lines and missed opportunities out of my head. I was like a little kid trying fall asleep the night before Christmas. I was too amped up on the promise of what the next session might bring. Of course, most little kids don’t have to live with the possibility that Christmas may not come tomorrow because somebody told too many friends about Santa, or the police decided they didn’t want you to have a Christmas.

And that is why you see no pictures until the spot is gone. Instead you get to look at these shots of some completely unrideable fiberglass pools on the side of a road somewhere.


2 thoughts on “Why do we skate pools?

  1. I hope for your sake that it’s a very long time before we see pics of said session(s). Have fun.

  2. MongoChongo on May 22, 2008 - Reply

    Looks like that would be a good mold for a concrete pool just add tranny. New pre-form company idea? Oh wait preform sucks oh well just a thought!?

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