That place, that time. UK Edition.
Another installment of That Place, That Time, This time coming to you from the U.K. and Dean Tyrell. These three pics date from 1977, ’78 and ’79. Dean is the same guy that sent in the shots of the crazy skateable terrain in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Dean Tyrell 1977.
The poolshot (on an 8 x 30 2nd generation Alva, the slightly fatter , rounder one) was at Hembsy Beachcomber skatepark, in a coastal town near Gt Yarmouth in Norfolk, I think in early summer 78 . It was one of those pools that was built by the same company that sprang up in The Rom, Guildford, Gillingham, Harrow etc..
Dean Tyrell 1978 – Solid Surf? (No: Cambridge skatepark)
That halfpipe was just 8ft wide, god knows how high, maybe 12 ft, with about 2ft of vert. sketchy but it made a man out of me!!!
Dean Tyrell 1979 – Rom (Romford?)
So was that red ribbed board made by Dogtown or Kryptonics?
that’s a Dogtown Shogo Kubo Triplane I believe.
and as you can see, skating was a very popular pastime when these photos were taken
Ribbed for her pleasure. Ewwwwww.
Those rails are tiny on that board.
Also gotta love the point and shoot camera with no control over shutter speed.
Yeah, it’s a Dogtown Shogo Kubo Airbeam… and the half pipe was at Cambridge skatepark, so well designed and popular that it was nearly always full, as you can see!
Killer style!!! Hey, i wonder what happened to that guy?
That guy is still skating and with the same old school style, he has posted some photos and video of him now is the hottest spots of mallorca. you can se him in http://www.patinencomun.com and his link is oldschoolmallorca.
very cool to see people that still skate after 15 years. Regards Angel Quezada mallorca.