Variflex boards

Sorry, we can’t won’t help you

One of the most visited areas on this site is House of Neil’s eBay Watch. You might say it’s beloved, actually. There are two main types of people who read his column; Those who just like seeing all the old and obscure boards, and those that use it as a tool for finding out how much something is worth. A few months back some people in “the collector’s community” got upset with Neil because he reported how much a board sold for at an auction, but the buyer never actually paid for it. Some people felt Neil was practicing irresponsible journalism that would somehow influence the outcome of future auctions. You can probably guess which forum that discussion took place on. As part of an ongoing campaign to keep people from getting their panties in a bunch, Neil does not comment on the value of skateboards that are currently in auction or otherwise for sale, or thinking about being sold. That means you should not ask us how much you think a particular board is worth. We won’t tell you. Not because we are elitist snobs or dicks, (well…) we just can’t do it without pissing someone off. And besides, Neil has a life, you know. There are already two good resources for this, Art of Skateboarding and Skull and Bones Skateboards. Of course you might have to put forth a little effort by signing up as members.

That being said, check out these old Variflex boards that someone asked us to appraise. Nice stash.


16 thoughts on “Sorry, we can’t won’t help you

  1. Neil DOES comment on the perceived value… but it’s always clearly his opinion, and usually quite amusing. (see the NKOTB board current entry) So those getting upset with SnA should just STFU! If they ask you, tell them what you would pay for it… and I’m willing to bet it will ALWAYS be less than they are willing to sell it for…(eventually they’ll quit asking) I won’t even consider the boards above… they hold no meaning for me. When I started skating, Variflex was the wal-mart brand of lame. Sorry sellers, it was. (Yes, I know these are from BEFORE then…but I’m not.)

  2. An important distinction, Neil doesn’t comment until after the auction has ended.

    Also, it’s hard to say, “Hey thanks for the feedback, I’m glad you dig eBay Watch and the site, but STFU!”

  3. Greg N on May 2, 2008 - Reply

    Ill help… Those are worth about $55 each. The colors are not good, the graphics could be better, and the name Variflex is silly. I love getting back to the Annoy aspects of S&A.

  4. fuck you ebay skateboard sellers – a bunch of whiny ass bitches. NOSLOLRFLO

  5. houseofneil on May 2, 2008 - Reply

    I buy and sell skateboards on ebay, so I guess bobcat thinks I’m a “whiny ass bitch” too.

  6. $55? I love these boards…Maybe I’ll buy a couple. One to ride, and one to give away on my site. The blue one is rad.

  7. WTF is NOSLOLRFLO? I don’t know what a ball hanger is either.

  8. JAKEANDANNOY on May 2, 2008 - Reply

    A “ball hanger” is some okie-midewesterner dork term, cooked up by some loser that nothing cool ever happened to.
    The definition of the term is hazey but I think it means old guy with hangy old balls..and can only be spoken in of those God-awful regional-midwestern accents. Seriously, whats up with that?
    Drawls in the deep south are easier on my ears than;
    “Maaam, where’s Day-add”?
    “I wanna use tha caaaah-wer.”

    I hate the midwest.

  9. Fair point Kilwag. The boards are worth whatever they sell for, or whatever they are willing to sell them for. Period. And I’m just saying the ones getting all pissy about SnA apparently affecting auction prices are the ones who can STFU. It’s YOUR site, YOU can say wtf you want to say. And if you really ARE affecting auction prices, that is awesome! SnA indeed rocks!

  10. Those are the lamest graphics ever. Someone should do a PowerPoint presentation about them.

  11. I think they were designed by Harvey Ballhanger.

  12. enemy combatant on May 2, 2008 - Reply

    Unlike most of the garbage for sale nowadays at least those boards are friggin’ wide enough!

  13. houseofneil on May 3, 2008 - Reply

    Al Losi, Eric Grisham and Steve Hirsch? Some legends there for sure. I like ’em.

  14. that was directed entirely at you there Neil, so dont get all emo on me. Its art on a deck, that all. The whole ‘grail’ thing and people whining about ‘that was my deck no one bid on it’ or ‘my pink hawk went for 1500 so all hawks should go for that’ is just stupid. Seems most of the folks in the game are getting way too carried away with over-collecting. We all like to collect cool stuff, but there’s a certain obsessive-compulsive behavior with skateboard deck collectors that is just wrong. I’d hate to see their garages or what kind of rags their kids wear in order for them to score that over-priced T&C neon vomit deck.

  15. WASNT DIRECTED at Neil. god damn me fail english.

  16. houseofneil on May 3, 2008 - Reply

    right on. I know what you mean.

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