The Ryan Sheckler locomotive powers on
Is this from a new TV show? Some sort of celebrity scandal? Is he the real father of Jamie Lynn Spears’ baby? Has he converted to Scientology? Are those pearl earrings he’s wearing? What new product is he shilling? Enquiring minds want to know, and you won’t be disappointed.
[Source: auggiedawg on Sleestak]
Ryan Sheckler Proactiv Commercial
I really hope his business manager/mom is investing his money wisely for him. Have you seen this commercial on the air? If you have, leave the network/show you were watching in the comments. I don’t have this one captured yet. Curiously, he hasn’t made it on the Proactive celebrity spotlight yet.
Ultra gay.
I heard Ultraman was past his “finding himself” phase and broke off his domestic partnership with Ultra Gay.
About time that bruiser removed the last traces of masculinity from his face for a new life with touchable skin. All skate sequences were shot at the Neverland Skate Ranch:
why do you waste time posting GAY shit like this……?
or maybe he doesnt have zits cuz hes not 14 anymore… ryan is sooo cute
Becasue Colin, that’s part the whole point of this web site. Hold on, Colin Walsh is Enemy Combatant in disguise!
Tight pants and pimples!
Well bless his little heart.
colin walsh rules Says:
why do you waste time posting GAY shit like this
Being 32 years old now, I have to question where we all went wrong. In my day as a teen, we would have beaten this Sheckler ass on a daily basis for being such a douche. Beat it out of him early, so that his TeenBeat starlet harlot fantasies couldn’t complete the metamorphosis into a ‘total fag’.
Children of the 2000’s, you are failing us. It was never okay to wear your sister’s jeans to school in the 90’s.
Tho that did happen to a buddy of mine on accident, was running late for school. Grabbed the first pair of jeans he found in the dryer, by the time he got on the bus he knew he made a major mistake. They had zippers on the back of the calfs and a bow at the top of the zippers and pockets.
But he did the right thing, he faked having diarrhea so he could go home and save himself from a full day of ridicule. Sheckler would have worn them for a royalty check.
Sheckler, you’ve cashed in already… when are you going to cash out and fuck off?
His earrings make him look so hot………….gay, gay, gay.
david beckham prototype
Why dont all you fags leave sheck alone. Not all skaters can be as bones brigade as Vallely. If I was as killer as sheckler, I would pimp off pro active and pimp off all of the young honeys as well. So what if he was or is the father of another spears offspring. Its just another million or so in his pocket. Its also taking the first step to morphing the spears bloodline into one that is halfway productive in our world. Give Sheck a break. Fact of the matter is that he is better than all of us. Deal with it!
Stan- Suck my Sheckler- he’s a douche. And by the sounds of it- your a douche too.
Shit testes, I’ve been livin in this world and riding my board since before you developed in a teste. If I stink I’ll douche. What are you worried about!
Shit testes? Sounds painful.
Kilwag, thats the funniest shit i’ve heard in a while. Word up!
Shit kilwag, my wife and I can’t stop laughin man!!!!
Shit kilwag? That sounds… oh never mind.
Seems like testes may have shrunk for the night. Keep up the good work kilwag.
Ah, thanks. Will do.
and Sheckler’s still a douche. . . .
Yea, he can skate hella better than me. Doesn’t make his show any cooler. I’ve been skating longer than he’s been alive. (damn, that just makes me old) He does get gnar points for doing the mega ramp. I’ll watch him skate anytime, same with Bam, but I definitely don’t ever want to hang out with them.
Jason Lee was one of the hardest skaters around. Do most people think he’s a hollywood douche too? Just wondering? It’s always a pleasure to be in contact with other skaters that cant give skateboarding up past their thirties. NIK, keep the wheels turnin and the opinions flowin.
When does gator get released????????????
Never I hope. I think they added a few consecutive life sentences for wearing spandex at a contest.
Eminem called and wants his “Stan’ back.
gator killed his girlfriend, he ain’t gettin out. Sadly, I feel the little sheckles is going to spiral out of control any day now. It’s easy to be sober and straightedge when you are 21.
that should read “when you are under 21”. Sorry, coffee is making me miss words again. word.
hosoi’s out at least, preaching the word of our savior, so gator wont ever have to.
sheckles may not kill his gf, but maybe his bf. he won’t use “the club” as a murder weapon. he may use his purse.
I think Stan has a man-crush…
Hell yeah, on Bill Danforth!!!!
Jason Lee doesn’t get the backlash because he’s not an ass. He’s funny and seems like a guy you could hang out with. Also helping, he’s no longer a “pro” skateboarder, so he’s kind of out of the limelight.
In Sheckler’s defense, it’s got to be hard (no pun intended) going through puberty and growing up in the public eye, especially in as critical an environment as today’s skateboard culture cliques can be. Everyone does stupid shit as a teenager and young adult (and beyond) – they just don’t have their stupid shit broadcast on TV for everyone to see.
That being said, he’s still a douche. Haw, Haw!
Maybe Sheck is going through a TESTE’s period. I just hate picking on someone young. Andy Macdonald, now that dude seems like a douche to me.
You sure talk about my balls allot- you wanna suck on them or something?
NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Well, for three simple installments of 19.99 ea…………….. Just kidding. However, the name is Estes is hard to lay off of. Though, I will do so.
Ok. Cool. I’ll confess I liked the young broke Sheckler, but the TV Cry Baby one- can lick the salt off my balls.
Sweeeet. Wait,! I mean cool man. This aint kettle corn. I’ve only seen 2 episodes of the show. Yeah, it sucks. I just like to have fun. I guess thats why I skate. Waz up with the skatepark meet ups?
Wait a minute.
I’ve been busy today and still haven’t had time to read the whole story, but am I to understand Sheckler killed his boyfriend with a gator for wearing his sister’s jeans to school?
Didn’t I see Kilwag with a gator last week?
This might deserve its own page, but
Gator may get out…eligible for parol in 09′ and from what I heard it may happen.
My sources include wikipedia, and my personal hope he gets to skate something bigger that 8×12 cell.
Jason Lee doesn’t get backlash now because he really only reperesents skateboarding history, not present.(I know, he started stereo again,we’ll see..)
I remember back in the day, when he got alot of publicity, haters had more to say. I dunno how cool he would be to hang out with tho.
I met him at a contest in Phoenix circa 92′ and he was cool as hell. Him and Pastras were in place, outdoing eachother on ridiculously high pop-shoves, and then subsequently dissapeared to smoke bowls in some van. Maybe Hollywood has changed him, maybe Nutella is the Cadillac of peanut butters’.
My homie was an extra on my name is earl, prison episode, and said he tried to talk to Lee when he was visiting the extras and said Lee was a dick and seemed to do it begrudgingly and didnt want to talk skatebaording at all.
Maybe he was having a bad day. Dear diary…..
Should of asked Jason to “Show me the thetans!”
oh, SnA why doth thou hateth thy hypere texteth maryketh languagee?
WordPress doth detest it – for non authors.
I’ve toyed with the idea of looking for a plugin, but since I plan on abandoning WordPress eventually, I lost interest. Often times I will go in and add the links myself, because it lets me.
thou can doth enableth image uploade or provideth ye peons with a wayeth to signeth onye
(i did it for kingcobraseattle.com, yo)