Skull art at Diesel Fuel – CANCELLED by US CUSTOMS
Skull Skates, Klutch.org and Diesel Fuel present … GREED CLOWN by artist: Pierre Dacruoix. This Saturday in Portland there is an art show by PD, the PD behind Skull Skates. It’s happening at Diesel Fuel Prints (which is where we get our stickers, btw.) and everything is around $10. It’s a one night only show on Saturday April 26th, from 6-10pm. Diesel Fuel Prints is located at 726 South East 10th Avenue Portland, OR
UPDATE: “PD got shut down at customs and they wouldn’t let him bring the shirts. Sucks but we will reschedule.”
cool. thats half a block from my house. those guys at diesel fuel are super cool, too.
Pleased To Meet Me??
Nike flexes and takes em out! F###k the Swooshstika!
don’t mess with customs…
wonder what the problem was…