Pier Park Pride Day
Last Saturday there were two events coincidentally planned for the same day at Portland’s Pier Park. One was a neighborhood cleanup championed by Mark Conahan and the other was some sort of Pier Park locals appreciation event organized by Chris Nukala. There was a short speech and some short spot-driven contests with plenty of giveaways. I arrived late to the cleanup and and had to leave early and in a hurry, due to, well, you know. I didn’t get any decent shots, but Michael from The Skateboard Archives was there snapping away, so I’ll link if he posts anything. Also, GVK cameras were on the scene for a little while. Otherwise, this is what you get.
UPDATE: More cleanup coverage on EPM.
UPDATE: More coverage on The Skateboad Archives.
Locals waiting for one of the spot contests, best trick or run on the entryway mini snake.
I didn’t catch this guy’s name. UPDATE: The unknown ripster is Khino Brackeen.
hooray for kickflops!
I hear that you left the magical Spongebob Squarepants that creepily haunts the little bowl at night. I have to say that is clever graffiti.
It was good to make it out and help for an hour or so. My son thinks Grover is super-rad, since he’s got that Sesame-street connection… Anytime he sees anything skate-related, he asks me if Grover will make clean-up time?
After I went home, I actually dug out my pads and helmet, and I’m searching out a large vert-inspired deck now. Might as well see if I can take my mini-ramp/bank skills onto something bigger. Seems like a waste not to skate some of the enourmous shit around these parts, just because I skate street.
Might I suggest the fine offerings from Cold War Skateboards?
hahah thats me doing a 180 finger flip.
by the way my name is khino, aka “unknown ripster”