Jank and Destroy
Chris from Old School Skateboarding went on a group mission organized by Josh Burt for what was originally supposed to be the Portland Roll-in Challenge, but ended up being “let’s find the jankiest and roughest shit in Portland and try and skate it or roll over the top of it.” Looked like it was a good time. I would have liked to cover it if I had known about it. It’s almost as if there is some sort of diverse skateboard community in Portland with other web sites besides this one. I know, it sounds crazy, but I might have to investigate. Check it out on Old School Skateboarding, or watch the video after the jump.
[Source: Sleestak]
Jank session video by Casey Morrow.
good times! can’t wait until the next roll-in challenge!
looks like my normal everyday skating, i can do no better…
Looks like fun. Now that’s skateboarding.
The bank to wall in the begining is super hard to skate because the paint on it is super slick.
shit..i woulda gone out for that. fun!
We didn’t get the boot a single time, and I’ve already spotted a handful of new additions to the next Roll-in Challenge!
It’s so cool to see some of the little sketchy spots I’ve skated over the years! I really love the industrial wallride spot. I always stop and skate it on my way into Portland. But that other bank spot, the bank to ledge, where is that? Same general area? Looks fun.
Maybe we can get a few more people to attend the next one.
That’s what P-town street skating REALLY looks like… I love it!
i cant believe nobody rolled in on the metal thing.
next time maybe bring less girls?
somebody should have manned up to that and just taken the slam. this upsets me some. invite me to the next one. i have some jank spots to skate in SE.
Good, then you can put your money where your mouth is.
Stumbled across this Page randomly and saw the Missing Potato $5000 reward. I