soon to be in my basement of my new house, but it will only be like 3ft tall!! well still vert, covered, next to me bed and……………………………..w? pool block all over it!!! nice and a little wallride thing
round wall is so much better; but just about every bowlhas a spot you can fakie back and forth on (do that during a busy session, keep well below coping for extra effect)
vert ramp riding is alive and well in sunny Spain; there is an intimidating and long forgotten (by local nu schoolers) 12 year old 3.5 metre steel monster, stuck out in a little village that my crew is regularily hitting…we haven’t had so much fun so since “vert died”
MC, I bet you miss the daily squeegee at 7am to enable the noon sesh at the B-town ramp. Dang, I miss those seshes. What’s up with Larry and the rebuild?
You know I spent a lot of time on vert ramps most of them built very poorly by skaters not carpenters. But skate them we did. But now since there is concrete to skate I can’t imagine going back to that even one that is built well.
werd bird….lets relayer HR. empty your pockets!
good question…theres just one woody vert ramp here in my state .porto alegre brasil. but very rough.
soon to be in my basement of my new house, but it will only be like 3ft tall!! well still vert, covered, next to me bed and……………………………..w? pool block all over it!!! nice and a little wallride thing
i’ll send pics of the progresssssssssssss……….by bed i mean room, its likfe 30 ft away or so…. lots of spiders though!! and they suck ass
round wall is so much better; but just about every bowlhas a spot you can fakie back and forth on (do that during a busy session, keep well below coping for extra effect)
colin, go to the “search and annoy” bar above, type in “the condemned” and see what we did for fun in that tiny dump.
HA! got it little tooooo stoned haha i was looking in all the wrond places……hold on i’ll lcheck it out
Eh… Miss the scenes, not the actual ramps.
Renton, WA (Skatebarn)
RDS (Richmond, BC)
Beaverton ramp going to be rebuilt?
Need more vert ramps, for sure!
I thought Vert Died?
rds closed
vert ramp riding is alive and well in sunny Spain; there is an intimidating and long forgotten (by local nu schoolers) 12 year old 3.5 metre steel monster, stuck out in a little village that my crew is regularily hitting…we haven’t had so much fun so since “vert died”
MC, I bet you miss the daily squeegee at 7am to enable the noon sesh at the B-town ramp. Dang, I miss those seshes. What’s up with Larry and the rebuild?
Heh heh, colin, it’s the only search engine on the page. It’s right next to the picture above.
Right under “recent comments”.
Viddy well young droog, viddy well.
missin OCMD Steelworker days, Exton Ramo, SLUG, Cheapskates, EASTERN VERT Stone Edge. hey nobody post after this. the thread is the feeling
alive and well in some private Maryland woods..old heads and new heads having a blast!!!
The TAVERN Rules!OPD muthaf…er!
I’m so tempted to make another post.
You know I spent a lot of time on vert ramps most of them built very poorly by skaters not carpenters. But skate them we did. But now since there is concrete to skate I can’t imagine going back to that even one that is built well.