That time, that place.
Man, I had to get some actual skating up on this site today. Sonny Robertson sent in a few pictures a long time ago:
…my favorite part of skating has always been that sense of identity in time, place, friends, music, etc. that comes from a scene, be it centered around a ditch, a ramp, skatepark, etc. We had a ramp in our small town YMCA – the Box Ramp – that was in a raquetball court, touching all four walls, and we would get people dropping in from all over the place and it was just so great to be a part of. And then to go to Dallas or Houston and see the scenes at places like the Clown Ramp, which was in a sketchy-ass section of town, was just the coolest. The whole Zorlac scene was just nuts. Wish I had been a little older at the time.
I have plans to add a section that will roughly equate to “this is/was your scene” but you know how it goes with so-called plans. Rather than let them rot in my inbox (?) I’ve posted them here for your enjoyment. I’m holding out one of them for a future Shot of the Week. Yeah, that’s Jeff Phillips. More after the jump.
Photos from Sonny Robertson
I think there are some more in my inbox somewhere. I seem to recall a Dan Wilkes shot or two. I’ll dig them up for a rainy day. Until then, enjoy these.
Jeff Phillips – Flux
Jeff Phillips – Flux
Jeff Phillips – Flux
David Nielsen – Houston
Jeff Phillips – Box Ramp
cool pics. RIP Jeff. Chicago Blowout was the first vid I ever owned and Jeff was interviewed in that.
great pics! Phillips always a fave. Check the Haro pads on Nielsen, I’d forgotten about those.
Great pics!!! jeff was and is one of the best skaters ever!!! RIP
my favorite vert skbrdr ever.
I agree, the best vert skaeboarder ever.