Skaters mad about concrete skateparks?
Ok first off, this is not the best illustration. There is a lot of stock photography with business guys shouting, but not so much of skater dudes shouting. Imagine the megaphone in the skater’s hand instead. Jacksonville Florida city officials held one of those “feedback” public skatepark meetings where they unveiled plans for the city’s new skatepark. The crowd of 50 or so skaters became angered when they realized the city was going to railroad through precast concrete obstacles from a company called Pillar Design Studios out of Tempe Arizona. Pillar looks like it is one of those landscape architecture firms dabbling in skateparks. They appear to have quite a few skateparks under their belts, just don’t look for any actual pictures of them on their web site. I’d find that disconcerting if I was a skateboarder living in a town that was about to hire that firm. They have a few links to external sites with sparing amount of pictures. I followed one at random and it showed a bunch of prefab Woodward metal ramps. Pillar also does motocross and bike only parks(?) as well as “Action Sports Facilities” with go cart tracks!
Meanwhile back in Jacksonville, Shorelines reported:
One man, who was among about 12 adult skateboarders in the room, questioned why the city chose Spohn Ranch and was using pre-cast concrete. He asked if there was any public input in the decision and if it was too late to rebid the project.
“That’s a concern of everyone here,” he said. “Why didn’t we have any say in this?”
Another man said he didn’t want “putt-putt golf with a Sawgrass budget.”
“We just want to feel like we’re getting our money’s worth,” another man shouted.
The story’s headline “Skate park meeting has dispute over concrete” made me think it was going to be an article about a street versus tranny debate. I’d like to hear from anyone who has skated a Pillar Design Studios park. Although the company started in 2006, the president, Brad Siedlecki claims to be a longtime skater:
I took this goal with me to college where I studied Architecture and Landscape Architecture and
incorporated skateboarding into the design intent of every class project . It was during this time I realized it wasnt just the municipalities that needed to be educated about skateboarding, but also my college professors architects and landscape architects who saw skateboarding as a destructive hobby that destroyed the urban landscapes they created. Despite being told by these professors that skateboarding and landscape architecture dont mix, I proceeded to incorporate skateboarding into every design.
That’s an interesting quote. I’d actually like see some of those designs, but I can understand why a professional wouldn’t include his college projects on the corporate site. Still, I find it hard to believe that a a long time skater would advocate for prefab skateparks, concrete or not. If you want to follow the Jacksonville story more, Pillar Design Studios has a feedback area that you have to log into. ( User: southbeach Password: jaxbeach )
Pillar Design Studios is what became of the original crew that was part of SITE Design group (who is supposed to work with NewLine on the Ed Benedict project up in PDX) after SD was purchased by a bona-fide landscaping company. I heard rumors that those who left SD weren’t happy
with the direction that SD was headed for”, meaning SITE was basically going to sell old designs instead of coming up with new ones. There are copies of Tempe and Chandler in more than one state. The parks that Pillar claims are ones that Brad and crew (including Colby Carter…?) worked on under SiteDesign and SiteConstruction.
My friend in Raleigh, NC has been in contact with Pillar because they are doing their skatepark, and there’s nothing pre-cast about it…
I’m confused to hear that Pillar is even considering “pre-cast” concrete (what the hell does that mean, anyway?) since those guys ARE real skaters with extensive experience designing and building skateparks!?!
I’ve skated a bunch of parks that the Pillar crew worked on here in AZ (Goodyear being an excellent example) and they have done some good work with their designs.
This is a pretty odd surprise to hear any mention of some sort of prefab concrete being suggested by Brad…
This website has been brought to my attention from a few people and I just want to clear the air… My name is Brad Siedlecki owner of Pillar Design Studios. I
Straight from the horse’s mouth!
Makes sense then. Couldn’t figure out why you would be pushing prefab concrete, but you aren’t! If someone has to get paid for designing it, it might as well be you. Did you see this post?
I’d be interested in hearing your impressions on the prefab concrete after the whole process is over, or during even.
It sounds like a victory for JAX beach, all things considered. Making the choice wether you want a Spohn Design or a Pillar Design……hands down Pillar. I’d go on to say, that I’d put Pillars Design work up against any of the “Big 3”. I understand that Spohn essentially said “We can build anything you Design” and that’s how the Design was delivered. Designed as if the park was being poured. Sounds like the battle itsn’t wether the Design is solid, but wether the construction team, Spohncrete, can deliver a quality product. I know Pillar delivers first rate Designs! I have to mention that this is in no way an endorsement by Skaters for Public Skateparks, but a personal, knowledgeable sentiment from me personally. I think Kilwag sees the light now, and makes a good point on wanting to know how this works out in the end. Pre-Cast Concrete parks are seeing a dramatic incline in installations, getting quality feedback on them is going to be important.
John Leizear
Executive Director
Skaters for Public Skateparks
Please address the fact that Spohn appears to only have one transition size available, or am I wrong? Surely you think that might be a bit monotonous, regardless of the design of the park.
Physical layout is only part of the whole equation. No matter how much rearranging Pillar is able to do, it seems like they have their hands tied to some extent.
I doubt there is only one radius being worked, but I’m not that intimate with this project either. I do understand that Pillar was told, by his Client, to design without prejudice to the materials being used for Construction. I’m not a fan of Pre-Anything in skateparks, and I’m watching this project just as closely as most of you are. There are relatively few Pre-Cast parks in the U.S. The vast majority of them being Solo, or Sk8concepts. I know one of SPS’s members was invited by Solo to their 29 Palms Park for review in essence. The standard gripes that belong to Pre-Fab also applied for Pre-Cast. Design and flow are made stagnant buy virtue of there one dimensional designs. Kickplates are an issue, as always. I know Solo, has tried to address the kickplates, but evidently no strong solution yet. However, with Pre-Cast there are unknowns. Being concrete, just how creative can you get with your castings? Being hollow, how will they hold up? Can you build a poured in place design? Spohn-Crete is evidently going to try and answer that last question. The jury is out on this stuff. There just hasn’t been enough built, and in place for any real length of time to really squeeze the facts out of it yet. Have no doubt though, SPS is watching this stuff. I just hate to see good Designers get mugged for branching out and seeing if quality design can in some way positively impact the construction and installation of this stuff. I say good on ya Brad for taking that step. I know I’ll take something away from the project in some way. Thanks Kilwag, for staying on top of the Skateparks dude. It’s refreshing to see people with their eyes open, but I think we have some peace of mind knowing that there is a solid Designer behind this project. Can Spohn hold up their end is the Million Dollar question.
Now you listen here! Oh wait, uh… Errr…Yeah, right.
I had noticed in their materials that Spohn seemed to only have one actual prefab concrete park under their belts. I’ve got pics from another prefab concrete park coming tomorrow, and it doesn’t look good. Contractor is unknown.
I am very glad that Brad logged on and cleared the air. I am a private park owner in upstate NY, and a skateboarder for 20yrs. I have ridden many parks that Brad designed throughout the country. I contact Brad every time I redesign or rebuild all or just a piece of my park because his design skills and thought process on how a park should flow and run are equal to none. If you have ever skated a park of his you would know this to be true beyond any doubt!
Jacksonville Beach is in for one hell of a ride!!!
For those of you who dont keep up with golf, thank you it is a retirement/bizznessman hobby! However the comment about Putt-Putt golf and
sawgrass, Sawgrass is a huge yuppie golfcourse in the county next too Jax beach and they do T.P.C. there Area councilmen would understand I hoped!! Also Bruce Bailey you got a little something on your nose
How are you gonna design/build a cradle with a door hole in the TOP of it W.T.F.?????!!!!
Sphon Crete is trying to compete agains custom skateparks.
he would have the repect of the skatecommunity and stay on the prefab metal business instead of trying to take a bit of the custom skatepark market by selling ramps as a Rep to a canadian company.
they are using brad to design their package and they will simply just dump his business after he enhances their cataloge just like mike mckintire did with colby,,,,,suckkka
if you dont keep thses people in check they will evetually take over the skater’s terrain…
it is only a matter of time
site went first to ARC and they now make cookie cutter crete,,,yep there is such thing…
now Sphon will try to take over the concrete market.
at the expence of skateboarding,,,all under all of your noses
be warned
ask for a snake run at your skatepark, they will prefab it and sell it to your mayor, not the skaters
I would like to comment on the Jax Beach proposed skatepark and the involvement of Pillar Design and Spohn Ranch. My name is Justin J. McCarthy and I live one mile north of Jax Beach in Atlantic Beach. We were lucky enough in Atlantic Beach to avoid the fate of a non-skater built skatepark very narrowly. Local government finally listened to long time locals and Grindline was brought in to build a fine skatepark that I session on a near daily basis. I am very thankful.
I have been fortunate enough to skateboard parks from the Northwest, the Rocky Mountain West and now in Florida. I seen and skated a decent spectrum of parks and have been involved in the lobbying of several to be built. Most of this experience has been in Colorado, where most local governments throughout the West have continued to listen to the needs of the skater community and hire contractors that reflect their desires. The contractors have been companies such Grindline, Dreamland and Team Pain to name a few who have provided high quality challenging parks to ride that I have enjoyed for many years. These parks have been overwhelmingly free and open to the public. Parks with fences, fees, hours and attendants are the rare exception and not the norm. As a result skateboarding is enjoyed by many and locals are left to police their own parks relatively undisturbed.
Upon learning that a skatepark was being built in Jax Beach last August, I contacted the City. I spoke to Gray Meadors (City employee in charge of the project) several times about contractors and what input the City had in their decision making process. The City contracted their bid without one skateboarder on the committee and zero input from the skater community. Furthermore, when I articulated my concerns of having a new inexperienced pre-fab concrete skatepark company building the local park I was told I was closed minded and inexperienced form a man who does not skateboarded. Mr. Meadors in an unprofessional and demeaning manner told me that my 23 years of skating and coaching skate camps counted for nothing. In addition, I had skated several Site Design (Brad Siedlecki
Damn, Justin. Sounds like you gave it a good try. Thanks for sharing your experience. That sucks. Weird that they didn’t want to hear from potential users of the park. If you wouldn’t mind, It would be great to hear how this eventually plays out.
Yeah, me too, and… I’ve gotten some correspondence from Spohn about these posts. I’ve asked them some follow up questions but I’m still waiting to hear back from them. I’ll give them a little time before I put it up.
Thanks guys for the comments and having this blog/site. I talked to Gary Meadors from the City of Jax Beach today. He said that he is still waiting to hear from Brad S. and see some new plans. Gary Meadors did at least say that they would probably not have a fence or a fee and keep the park accessible. In Oregon all most all the parks are free and open to all. Down here that is a strange concept for some. Keep showing everybody how it is done up there! Keep Grindline and Dreamland is business!
goodyear, az was done by california skateparks.
hence all the flat.
Yea the park never got built
They turned that money into a fancy median
With palm trees
I believe on creates pamphlet to be fraudulent I don’t think any of the concrete pictures in that flyer were anything that they had built Todd Johnson commented in the meeting that the park in the flyer was a park that he had been to, and that it was not build my Spohn create
Looks like most of what of what Spohn Ranch, Or Spohn action sports does with skate parks his set a bunch of plastic ramps on the old tennis court
When Todd Johnson said I’ve been to this park you did not build it they replied “these are just examples”
I have skated over 50 parks Florida Georgia Carolina Virginia Ohio Kentucky California coast Rica
I would not put my name on anything built by Spohn Crete
Not even if I was going to ask him 25,000 off the top
Honestly I’m glad we didn’t have a dumb part built in Canada in pieces and put together like a puzzle by a bunch of people Who don’t skate would’ve been garbage and wasted money anyway
Still holding out for a real skater built park
^^error in 4th line should read
I believe Spohn creates pamphlet to be Fraudulent