Don’t like it? 4Q!
Hey! It’s Max Schaaf week on Skate and Annoy. Max has a blog called 4Q Conditioning that is mostly One-percenter motorcycle lifestyle fetish, with healthy doses of retro pin up, surf and skate culture. You’ll find a ton of cool pictures without a lot of background detail, but that’s part of the appeal. It’s kind of like a distilled version of all the good parts of Juxtapoz. Check out the lion riding in that sidecar. That’s Max in that pool. The site takes a while to load because it’s all on one page. Wait for it, and then start from the bottom. This material would be perfect for sitting on the head. Max should make a zine. Great visual stimuli over at 4Q Conditioning.
Schaff’s blog is sick and what a blog should be. A quirky insight into obscure subcultures.
Errr… Instead of bloated self righteous ramblings like this one!
Thanks for that.