(Not) All skateboarding kids are bad.
Welsh Pete wrote “while some skate kids are smashing store owners in the face, others are rescuing babies from dumpsters…” So in the interest of fair and balanced reporting:
Four skateboarders found a crying infant girl – the umbilical cord still attached – wrapped in a blanket and left atop a trash bin Monday night in Queens, authorities said.
So check out the skateboarding guardian angels (not to be confused with the skateboarding Charlie’s Angel) in the New York Daily News. AP Video available as well. Lest any of our regular readers think we are going all soft, that’s one of the teenagers, Christopher Moncada in the shot above, and he looks little bit like a pudgy 10 year old girl. Guardian Angel art, sans skateboard, from Sykel Enterprises.
I rescued your baby today! and it doesn’t matter much to me,
…..as long as it’s clean!
Hmmph!The skate hooligans probably put the baby there to begin with..hmph,grumble grumble..probably harvested the organs…hpmh..they’ll want a reward…grumble grumble