Little boards for Little Rulers
Good news for all you breeders and friends of breeders out there. Now your little tykes can learn to skate on miniature re-issues of Jason Jesse and Rob Roskopp Santa Cruz decks from the 80’s. These two boards come in at just 26 inches long and are designed for kids 7 and younger. Not scaled down, however, is the purchase price of $135 for a complete, which seems is steep. With the way re-issues (Jason Jesse, too) have been selling on eBay, I guess you could always look at it as an investment. Not shown on Little Rulers but rumored to be available, the Slasher model. Keith Meek’s slasher? I dunno. – Thanks to Judi Oyama for the tip.
They’ve got’em down at CalSkates, including Keith Meek’s Slasher.
what sucks is you cant buy just the deck
but the mini trucks and wheels are cute