Finishing Up The New ‘Crete In The Gorge
And this should be the last construction update from me. Next shots your gonna see is all the locals skating this new “Ego” bowl here in Hood River Oregon. I can assure you that this hard-working crew will have an undisturbed amount of time in the next 3 days, breaking in the coping for everyone to enjoy.
Mark enjoying the McD’s lunch and smoke after being wet, cold and muddy for a week straight.
Seth showing us the hole in his lower jaw from having a molar removed. Ah, dentistry and skateboarding.
A nice overview from the deck of the nearby Vert Ramp.
Hips that Anna Nicole Smith would be proud of…..
Yes, a boob awaits you all to pump or for Tony Trujillo to launch from…..
Don’t worry Kilwag, there’s plenty of time for you to recover from an axle stall!
who was complaining that this sucker was going to be tight – looks pretty mellow to me?
complaint was too mellow, but it was exaggerated because the pictures were stretched out in the previous post.
That was my fault on the first post. I learned some tricks on photo sizing thanks to Kilwaggles.
Nice, my backyard next.
Looks fun… though I don’t see any drainage.
Its’ there……I personally looked for them today. The boys did a “Helluva” job.