Europeans make bad Amercan style films too.
Appearing as Corey Webster: Sebastian Stigar. As Chrissy: Ida Elise Broch. As Hook: Espen Klouman Høiner Yeah, I looked up that “ø” code, although he looks more like a James Spader in Pretty in Pink than he does like Hook in Thrashin. What’s the point? Oh yeah, some Swedes Norwegians have remade Thrashin into a snowboarding movie. The hero of the movie is a hotshot skater who moves to the mountains where nobody skates, so he has to take up snowboarding to fit in. Then he falls in love with the village badass’ girlfriend, who beats him up. Wait, the village tough guy beats him up, not the girl. Actually, this is sounding more and more like Better Off Dead. I don’t know what kind of crazy aspect ratio this film was shot in, but the trailer seems really wide. It helps with the skate stunt double since they never show him from kneecaps up. Hey, want to fit in at your school? A good way to blend in with crowd and not draw any undue attention to yourself is to skate through the hallways at school busting kickflips. This may be just another one of those sports genre Romeo and Juliet knockoffs, but at least they have more spectacular and majestic scenery for the locations. Apparently, they also have more blue locations too. You can watch the fancy film trailer at the official site (Swedish Norwegian) or on Youtube after the jump. Prison Break/Big Lebowski fans will appreciate the casting of Peter Stormare AKA John Abruzzi and the Nihilist casting.
[Source: Snowbroader – That’s no typo either ]
Movie trailer for Switch
“a hotshot skater who moves to the mountains where nobody skates”
Except that for the fact that ski resort access roads are some of the best downhill skate spots in the summer time. Lame…
Thats sad… kid who enjoys the simple pleasures of riding a skateboard is driven to the gymnastics world of snowboarding by a hot chick.
I didn’t see even one backside double fakie ollie grind. lame. Movie coulda been shot on 2.35 aspect ratio.
Hey, don´t blame us Swedes. The film is Norwegian. Stormare is swedish, but he´s from the northern parts where they actually do gymnastics like this.