Built to Skate: Austria
Eastpack and Red Bull footed the bill for 6 DIY concrete spots in Austria. These aren’t full sized spots, but rather single modifications to existing spots or sometimes creating a new spot by providing an approach to a previously unskateable spot. Nothing earth shaking, but cool nonetheless. There’s a short video clip by Niki Waltl that covers 2 days, 6 spots and more than 1000 kilometres by car. A few of those spots look like left over anti-tank barriers from the war. It is Austria, you know. Download it here. It looks like these guys made it happen.
That’s really cool.
that’s rad. Did you see the shots skateoregon has of the 3 new spots other than the skatepark in vancouver? http://www.skateoregon.com/Vancouver/Vancouver.html
i love this idea.