Van Halen – Reissued
Speaking of long awaited reissues, Van Halen is on tour with David Lee Roth. I love Van Halen. OK, I’m out of the closet now, in terms of rock and roll. Van Halen requires David Lee Roth to be considered the real Van Halen. Others need not apply. Are we on the same page here? Good. Now someone please tell me where this old picture of David Lee Roth on a skateboard came from. This is the largest size I have, and everyone knows Diamond Dave is larger than life. Actually, any larger and you might be able to see some brains peeking out. Nice sack, man! This is as good as an excuse as any to call for celebrity skateboarding photos. Send them in. [Photo: Right – Official Van Halen]
van halen without michael anthony=NOT VAN HALEN.
No Michael Anthony? What’s his deal, and who is filling in?
Oh, Wolfgang Van Halen. That’s nepotism for ya. Cool name, kind of pudgy for a rock star. The official Van Halen web site is Van Horrible.
and portland is already sold out
Down with Van Hagar. Man, Diamond Dave is so fucking cool. One way or another, I will get into that show. Give me a bottle of anything… and a glazed donut, TO GO!
My doctor says I have to take a laxative!
your musical taste. . . . (shakes head, sighs).
Gyro Hub wheels were rad back when i was a little kid. ahead of their time…
Dave got his hands on my socks I see… ATOMIC PUNK
zibbidy bobidy zoobidy zibidy zibity bobbidy bobbidy bop-
iiiiiiiiii aint got nobody….
Gyro Hub Wheels were the only wheels that could get me to the coping at the old Kennewick Washington 16′ deep pool. Those wheels were fast and ahead of their time, as derek put it.
Old Van Halen brings back some great old late 70’s skateboarding memories.
I bought my boyfriend a pimp bear at a Halloween store this year that sings “I’m Just a Gigolo.” hahah. I love it.