Skater Dater exerpt on You Tube
I have posted about SkaterDater before. This guy has a chunk of it posted on YouTube. Man, I keep saying we need to get matching windbreakers.
There is also a crappy reproduction of the whole thing, on Google video, looks like someone pointed a video cam at a monitor.
i got that movie… The Cult is one of the best bands ever.
I was hanging 5 and walking the board in the street area at Glenhaven today and no one looked very impressed, so I went for a coffin and everyone just looked kind of worried. If there had been a semi there, I definitely would have gone under. Seriously though, those guys had great flow on the street. In my book, that video part holds up today. Clay wheels, little boards, bare feet, windbreakers, pure skater attitudes. High jump over the hose, with sidewalk cracks? Damn. Was one of those guys Paris Hilton’s dad?
no. hobie team. danny bearer etc…
Cool. Danny Bearer ruled.
That was gay and what happens when corportations let you see what they want you to see. I’d rather watch how they skate un-synchronized then that ballerina weak shyt.
Abegnegal realizes this was a Cannes film festival award winner from 1965? Actually, heterosexuality wins in the end. Or maybe you meant cheerful.
werd! you were a closed minded shot in you old mans pocket when these guys were rollin. Movie rules!
Constant Movement like a shark, awsome “skater attitude”
Here’s the whole thing:
amazing stuff considering they’re on clay wheels…
you have no idea until you’ve rolled on clay.
see LaTaco.com #69 Vintage Skateboarding or see dannybearerenterprises.com
I never made promises like thy, dear Celeste when we walked in fields of gold ! Very truly yours, Daniel
to whom it may concern, Why would you come up with a stupid name for skateboard professionals like Skate and Annoy. This is the same low class image Dogtown and Z-Boys gave the sport a low class image. We at Makaha Skateboard and Ski Club will show you the way the sport should be addressed !!! Very truly yours, Danny Bearer
that’s rad Danny you guys should do your thing the way you feel is proper! you and your generation have been truly inspiring to me and most other skaters wether they know it or not. it’s a big world and there is room for all types. just try to be classy so not too much mud gets slung.
with all this youtube stuff I have seen alot of 60’s skate films and it seems that the renegade low class image started in the 60’s atleast thats how it’s portrayed on film.
Dear Curt, The Hobie Super Surfer Vita Pakt Skateboard Club stared in a movie called “Surfin’ Shorts” produced by Bruce Brown the first film showing a high Class image to the sport and art of Skateboarding 1965 ! Curt get your history straight. You need to study and do your home work, buddy ! Very truly yours , Danny Bearer
what I mean to say Danny, is it’s more about how the skaters are portrayed. that does not mean any skaters were really low class people, it means that throughout skatings history it’s had a stigma put on it by the media. the actors in the clip I’ve linked here get kinda rowdy twards the end, and the clip is actually called the “devils toy”… seems to me that it’s a negitive branding. a few other short films show the same type of negitivity. what about the one where the skaters are cruzing by and this mean lady comes to her office door and tosses gravel out so the skater falls? he then skates off doing a head stand sticking his tounge out at her (the equivelent of flipping her off today), granted he’s justifyed. it’s just negitity twards skaters and it started in the 60’s. I’m not saying all early skate films had this sort of negitivity, I’m just saying like anything else about skateboarding, it really got started in the 60’s, and I don’t feel it’s right to give those California Zboys all the credit. sure there were mostly classy skaters in the begining, but even today you’ll find decent classy folks skating, but people like to focus on negitivity. thanks for the tip I’ll look for “surfin shorts”
notice how the anchorwoman says “the police are trying to stamp out this menace”. you’d think she was talking about meth dealers or something.
Peace,Love and Happiness
thats right my friend! we’ll skate regardless of what society wants to brand us as. and for real, thanks to you and your generation of skaters for paving the way for all the rest to follow. I look at those old films cos I love the style.
Bring out the good news, buddies that what it’s all about ! Very truly yours, The King of Skateboarding, Daniel Bearer
Danny Bearer reads Skate and Annoy? Are you still skating in your fifties? Like that kid doing the headstand sticking his tongue out at that nasty old lady wasn’t the epitome of Skate and Annoy. Getting paid to skate is like pulling a really slick con. I’m not sure that is really something to be admired. The true artists will skate hard whether they can afford to or not.
Following Jesus calls us to action. It calls disciples to give up their own desires and control. It is costly. It is hard, Very truly yours, Danny Bearer
I disagree professional skating is like a con. Very few skaters (artists/musicians/etc) make enough money to equate it as a con. And being famous would be awful.
Jesus is the con.
Answer the question Danny, are you still skating?
Danny Bearer skates as a professional should ! Show me the money and I’ll skate on the board I made ! I Skate for fun and profit, money !!! Thank you for the question, Very truly yours, Danny Bearer
If you want me to skate for you contact me at 1-310-452-1030 on dannybearerenterprises.com or dannybearer@yahoo.com, thank you ahead of time, Very truly yours, Danny Bearer
Danny, you’re a douchebag. Very truly, Fitz
I was kinda thinking the same thing Fitz, but I didn’t want to be the first to say it
publishing his personal email seems like an open invitation for the Annoy side of this site….
“If you want me to skate for you contact me”…NO, I want you to skate for you…
I really dont get it???? smells like troll to me though.
i cant believe that dude could be for real. what an idiot. ahh whatever. just another old cry baby.
Chapter 23 The crew first landed in London, England Summer 1969 June. the weather was suuny and we explored 16 countries in Western Eurpoe and Morrocco Northern Africa surfing in the city of Kenitra just to the south of Tangier. The surf was like sunny Southern California. The roads where cobblestone and skateboarding we did mostly in England and France as the roads were mostly as good as California… and Italy…..(to be continued) Curtus Stevenson the son of the Father of the First Professional Skateboard Club and everyone else..Shawn Byrant is the owner of the Makaha Skateboard Club now. Also we surfed for the Hobie Alter Golden Diamond Surf Team and we still do !!! written by Danny Bearer of the novel in progress “Defese Above All”……
Mr Bearer.
If you would like I could show you a thing or two about skateboarding. As far as it being classy I don’t know, there will be blood, sweet, beer, nudity, and myself a young man hitting on every woman over 40 that passes by. THEY LOVE ME. Did you get shut down by the Z-boys? Did they take your spark of anti-creativity? That would be a possible answer considering the obvious animosity. I do however think it is cute you still have a little “skate club” do you have costumes as well? I would like a matching wind breaker can I order one from your club?
Mr. Stupid
Mr. stupid, I probably relate to you more than I do Mr. Bearer. but i do have to take issue with your choice of words. last night I wrote a buncha words to Mr. Bearer, and I took issue with them too and I deleted them insted of submitting them. what I take issue with was that you implied that Danny and his childhood buddies were not creative. you said they had a “anti-creative spark”. to me it seems obvious that they had creativity and style. I wanna puke when I read “Dogtown the birth of style” sure those kid’s had the bert and urethane helped them along, just like the popsicle helps the kids of today reach new levels that Danny never dreamed of. yes the Z-boys etc. sort of dethroned Danny’s generation, and Danny’s generation comes off as sour grapers bitching about how they were the kings whose crown was stolen by hoodlems. but for real, Danny and his ilk were creative. they might have just been imitating surfers, but so were the Z-boys, it’s just that surfing evolved too durring that time. to me if you wanna give credit, props, and crown some generation or era with the birth of style and creativity, then it’s the skaters who pushed skating into it’s own thing that would influence other action sports
I think Mr. Bearer’s generation were just wrapped up in the dominant cultures way of thinking, like everything physical should be a competitive sport. most of us who might make comments on here are attracted to skating because it represents the opposite of competition. even when we have a competitive vibe at a session, it’s to stoke each other out so we all progress.
Danny is writing some goofy shit on here but I hope we give him a little leeway because he is our elder and we should give him some respect. but we don’t need the Jesus stuff, no one comes here to read Jesus stuff weather they are christian or not. other than that I’m stoked to read what he has to say even if he is an old fart
and those windbreakers are sweek
I need to clarify the “anti-creativity” remark. My statements were in regards to the way they resisted change. I was not there but can see clearly he is still doing his own thing even though he is one of the few people still rocking that way (I do respect his individuality at this point). However I am not a fan of the preaching and bitching about how the “new generations” are disrespectful. (Tony Alva doesn’t think so, he is excited about it, not a good example because he was one of the “Z-boys” being bitched about). Being disappointed in the change of skateboarding style from the form He loved to another form that somebody else loves is silly. I was doing my best to fulfill the annoying part of this page, he needs to know we are not professionals just enthusiasts. We are the people who pay the professionals with our hard earned money through purchasing their products (Movies, Skateboards, clothing, ect…) That is the beast of Marketing which takes me to the thought of there being a skateboarding hall of fame. I don’t like it. I am not saying I don’t like that people are not in it. I do not like that skateboarding is being classified as a sport. I do see Mr Bearer as being one of the people advocating the “JOCK mentality”. My opinion only.
No subculture can fully escape the parent-culture. There’s nowhere else to find our cues.
As such, everyone is a jock. However, most of us care more about how we play the game and less about winning or losing. Thus–borrowing again from the accepted language–Mr. Bearer’s attention-grabbing actions can simply be seen as those of a poor sport.
I hate it when duchebags were a part of something great.
I hate it when douchebags feel the need to constantly remind everyone of their past exploits, especially when they weren’t all that exciting.
i definitely didnt get any cues from this asshole. i found russian made board (believe it or not) in my parents apartment in czechoslovakia back in 1987 and rode on my butt for three years. my dad told me that he thinks i should stand up on it and afer awhile i figured how to ride down a curb which eventually led to jumping down five stairs, all of that without any knowledge of anything such as skateboarding except the board itslef (no magazine, picture, video, nothing). i went straith from butt boarding to street stuff without trying toimitate any surfing bullshit because, well i didnt know anything about surfing at all. in my eyes i discovered and invented street skating. haha, whatever. my ponit is that lot of other people found skatebaording in lot of different ways without ever hearing about this a-hole. i mean should lets say every dancer pay respect to some monkey who started to walk on two feet because we are all kind of taking cues from those fucking monkeys?
i dont think so. i dance my way and i hate ancient monkeys. fuck i gonna be bitter when im old.
Damn right Marek! I’d never heard ofthis bozo either–not in two and a half decades of skating.
Simply Stupid, Alva is a great example for the reasons you bring up. he was made into a big star, and only for a brief time was he on top of the world. but he for the most part kept cool about it. he’s not grumbling about Duane Peters and Steve Olsen or something. yea you are right resisting change is futile and foolish.
Marek, you earn the crown of creativity in my book, but I also give some props to your dad who did seem to have some idea of what skating was. I never knew Danny’s name untill the internet got rolling. I lived in LA as a child in the 70’s and I was inundated by the old images of skating. still it always rubs me the wrong way of how skating has always been portrayed as californian, and almost solely claimed by california. after awhile I realized calirornians are dorks. I’m not intending to shower Danny with much more respect than I give a drunken homeless vet who seems 50% nonsensical and 50% wiseman. I initially thought “whoa this dude is a crazy old dude who never saw one of those Thrasher shirts, and he’s randomly taking issue over the site’s name”. and I am stoked if he thinks he and his old team is gonna come back and re-write the history books. “we’ll show you” is his attitude and I think it could make a heart warming film for the whole family. the Makaha team takes on the cast of “Mall Grab”!
Try this; next time some old windbag goes on about how funamental his contributions to skateboarding are, ask if he can do a kickflip. I almost got punched for that and it was well worth it.
As entertaining as his little videos are, with all of the credit given to him and his friends for their ability to imitate surfing (except the hand stands, I would pay good money to see somebody hand stand on a surf board). Curtis I really like the Vet comparison. Marek I grew up away from the ocean as well and started out rolling down the street back and forth on a plastic banana board with ceramic wheels, I also thought I invented the olli. Skateboarding is not California’s it is the worlds. The tables have changed now skateboarders do not emulate surfing, surfers now emulate skateboarding.
Chapter 23 THE WESTERN WORLD Tour Switzerland high in the mountainous Alps skateboarding was uncrowed and the streets were like gold ! (to be continued) from the novel “DEFENSE ABOVE ALL”
CHAPTER 45; Its 1992 and everyone is skating little red curbs and doing kickflips in front the senior home. I still cant do kickflips, unless you count the other day when i stepped on my skateboard and slipped comically. i fell on my back and i think the board kind of flipped when i did.
CHAPTER 46; Its 1993, and still no one has visited me since my family left me in this home. The nurses are mean and wont take out this catheter and I only get pudding once a day. Im so lonely and i cant wait for the internet to be invented. Now, where did i put my pudding..
Jake, you are one funny mofo.
How does one Crow a road? After that is completed how exactly would I uncrowed it? Maybe it a euro thing.
Dear friends and enemies, Contests are just a form of showing the world about Skateboarding. I can make a living by skateboarding and am. It’s all for the fun of it !!! Very truly yours, Daniel Bearer with the MAKAHA SKATEBOARD AND SKI CLUB we will always skateboard, forever, thank you and I’ll talk to you later !
Spain is Daniel’s favorite place he’s ever skateboarded in !
THE DANIEL BEARER SKATEBOARD MODEL is 44″length x9″width White Ash with two Black Walnut stringers to the right of center….
It is a terrible thing to lose ones mind.
Danny, up at the top of the page on the right side is where the advertisements belong. from what I can tell the rates are cheap. the editor of this site seems like a reasonable dude, I can’t speak for him but it seems like it bums him out when one person wants to dominate the comment section. alot of board collectors use this site as a reference, I sugest you/Makaha take advantage of it and become a paid advertiser
I can’t get him to stop. I’ve sent him several emails telling him to keep his comments related to the topic that he posts in, but he keeps spamming with adverts for his boards, books and movie. I’ve got all his comments on hold now, I delete the ones that are on stray topics (this one is semi-relevant)
I’ve never had to ban someone becasue they were spamming, aside from the erectile disfunction people… but I’m close to banning Danny if he doesn’t fly right. The Poweredge guys should know him, maybe they can talk some sense into him.
Kilwag, What do ypu want me to do? Very truly yours, Danny Bearer, thank you for being a good sourse of new films, a novel and news from MAKAHA SKATEBOARD AND SKI CLUB.How can I help? Thak you again…….
Here is what I want you to do. Stop posting excerpts of your books and details about your skateboard model in inappropriate places.
would Jesus spam other peoples websites?
This is kind of crazy. It really concerns me after reading the name of some of the companies he is advertising (MAKAHA SKATEBOARD AND SKI CLUB) it sounds like some have beens hanging out talking about the glory days. Skiers and Skateboarders playing grab ass makes me nevous. I have a club its called BALLZ DEEP we’re looking for a blond female. Anybody interested? Maybe I will pay for the advertisement next time it could be fun to make the ads. “BALLZ DEEP” How we roll bitches.
The makaha skateboard and ski club WILL TAKE ON ANY AND ALL COMPETITION AMY TIME ANY WHERE !!!!
Danny Bearrer, skateboarding legend and homophobic bigot.
What Would Jesus Do? Indeed.
Uh, I guess I must be gay too. My wife is going to be pissed.
You’re a great ambassador for your sport Danny. Keep fighting the good fight. . Your book/movie/skateboards should sell well.
Kilwig Get your HOLY BIBLE out and read ST. Paul’s ROMANS CHAPTER ONE and see what a disgrace you are to women as well as homosexuals are !!!
Danny, dude, chill. You’re making ol’ Negative Ned look like Positive Paul. Focus on the skate part and not so much on the annoy. Like Kilwag says, best of luck with your endeavors and “really, what would Jesus do?” It’s a pretty safe bet he wouldn’t spew acidic remarks but rather set an example and even possibly turn the other cheek. Peace skate soul brother.
haha i just read all this. if you read from dannys post at 9:56 am-9:40pm its a visual timeline of his meds wearing off.
…or a timeline of me fucking off at work till i eventually get drunk at home.
Wow….funny but sad
The MAKAHA SKATEBOARD AND SKI CLUB will take on any Team on the face of the Earth in Competiton or artistically guiding down the street…Very truly yours, Daniel F. Bearer 111
Y’all be getting trolled
Ezekiel 25:17: The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
hahahaha. rainy day boredom. smells like insane trolling to me.
Dear Michael, You are truly blessed ! Keep up the good work and quote the Holy Bible, Thank you for being there and being my friend ! Very truly yours, Daniel F. Bearer 111 P.S. God will continue to bless you,….true love is enduring patience, kind not puffed up, not boostful, true love endures all things…..
Truly blessed, or maybe a fan of Pulp Fiction
i dont think that danny ever heard of that movie. othrewise he would be peeing his pants.
jesusjuice, jesusjuice,jesusjuice.
i mean would NOT be peeing his pants. or maybe diapers? what do i know
Ok i wasnt going to say anything,but that-is-hilarious.
If Danny Bearer actually was as familiar with any other part of the bible than the Gospel according to St Paul, well then he would know that Ezekiel 25:17 does not say that. It is an erronous bible quote,most of it taken from various bible passages and an old kung fu movie called Bodyguard Kiba, starring Sonny Chiba. Only the last part of that passage is somewhat accurate.
“And I will execute great vengance upon them with furious rebukes and they shall know that I am the Lord when I lay my vengance upon them”-ezekiel 25:17
which is really in reference to God’s punishment of the of the Philistines,which has nothing to do with anything here.
Anyway I know this because Im Catholic(and a tarantino fan) and have The Old and New Testaments and various other scriptures at hand, none of which are selectively fed to me so that i can index for homophobic admonishment.
I aint trying to preach(here)but theres actually alot in the Bible about redemption,love,unity,humility and oh yeah, forgiveness. Some people will manipulate and edit scripture for their own warped agenda but thats really creating your own,sort of God. Just look at al queda,terrorists,etc. Any faith is vulnerable to that.
Danny, I will say this in your favor: http://www.lataco.com/taco/vintage-skateboarding-west-la
Pretty cool.
Dear Jakeandannoy, Thank you for the compliment !…Glad you enjoyed the Sunset Beach of Skateboarding Paul Revere Middle School in Brentwood. Los Angeles County….I hope I can do more to improve SkateandAnnoy website. Call me if you want more Good News, Thank you again,call me 310-452-1030, Very truly yours, Danny Bearer
You could simply vanish. That would improve the website exponentially.
Come to think of it, maybe that’s a little harsh. Just tone it down, stay on track, and stop hawking your goods, religion and image constantly, and people might be a tad more receptive–maybe even interested–in your experiences.
Dear Kilwag, The Cove in Santa Monica Memorial Park at 14th and Olympic Blvd. is a great skateboard park. It cost $500,000 and the city of Santa Monica paid for the park…… Grace us with your presents, your highness, Very truly yours, Danny Bearer
…and to Celeste Marie thank you for introducing our skateboard to Santa Monica College those days we walked in fields of barley….Call me at 1-310-452-1030….I have good news for you….
THE MAKAHA SKATEBOARD BELIEVES IS TOUGH LOVE. Thank you JakeandAnnoy !Very truly yours, Danny Bearer
Once again, Kilwag, THE MAKAHA SKATEBOARD AND SKI CLUB BELIEVES IN TOUGH LOVE ! THANK YOU for your strenght and persistence your website is one of the best ones out there ! Keep up the good news and good work, Very truly yours, Danny Bearer
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers of the world ! Coutesy THE MAKAHA SKATEBOARD AND SKI CLUB, Very truly yours, Danny Bearer
Danny Bearer-Redondo or Santa Monica?
Concave or Flat?
Chantry or Glendora Mountain rd.?
Winchells or Dunkin?
Tops or In-n-out?
Dear jakeandannoy, …we skateboard in Brentwood as this has the best natural slopes..no donuts thou….getting ready for the Santa Monica Heritage Museum show in September 2009….Good morning the world….thank you your column is terrific and a great source of skateboarder’s guide ….. the whole world. P. S. If your are interested in THE WESTERN WORLD TOUR 1969..40 STATES IN AMERICA, 16 COUNTRIES IN WESTERN EUROPE AND NOTHERN AFRICA ..FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME…THANK YOU AHEAD OF TIME YOU ARE BLESSED ! Very truly yours, Danny Bearer,aka,Daniel Bearer,aka,Dannybearerenterprises.com,aka.makahaskateboards.com,aka. Mr. Dan F. Bearer 111 POWEREDGEMAGAZINE,COM,aka,The Bear….
Dear Kilwag, As you already know JUICE MAGAZINE also is a great source of Skateboarding and Surfing News, Very truly yours, Danny Bearer
Dear Kilwag, …because of his performance with 30 foot waves at Sunset Beach, Hawaii 12 waves in a row without a mistake last winter in the high life , The Malibu Surfing Association has named Allan Sarlo to be the New King of Dogtown also for his performance on a skateboard…Very truly yours, Daniel Bearer