Not so mysterious NYC street spots
This appropriately named spot is called the Bubble Banks. A reader named Mark W. pointed out that it was near the mystery spot that we found through the Disciplinary Architecture Anti-Sit Archives post. The Bubble Banks photos are from Quartersnacks.com, a NYC-centric web site that even has an online guide to various spots, complete with location, occasional direction, bust factor and visual aids. I guess in a city as big as New York it’s not a big deal to spell out all the details on spots because they are all probably blown out already. It’s not like posting an online map to something as fragile as a pool ecosystem. Check out Quartersnacks.com, named after those Little Debbie snacks you can buy for a quarter, I guess. There’s a lot of content and it looks like they put some effort into the design and concept.
The “mystery spot” is note a mystery at all, it’s just impossible to skate, which is why it seldom appears in anything.
Here’s the QS spot page on it..
(the name of it should be enough of a clue on how easy it is to skate)
Here’s a clip from the spot..
Thanks for the link.
this place is sick its perfect for wall rides in keenan miltons video he skates here ive been here twice and like it.