Layoffs at The Office?
A little bird told me that all three of Portland’s locations of The Office just closed their doors abruptly, but not before carting out all the merchandise in boxes. The Office is/was a skate and snowboard shop that catered to the artsy fartsy crowd with art openings and even Euro spray paint for sale. All this after the 82nd street location recently installed a reportedly very impressive indoor skate facility. When asked for comments, the little bird said “They’re all snowboarders anyway, so what do you expect?” Their MySapce presence says “business as usual” but hasn’t been updated recently. Can anyone confirm whether the The Office is actually shut down?
Update: Added a video of Ed Helms (Daily Show and currently on The Office) “interviewing” Tony Hawk.
Ed Helms and Tony Hawk on Shred or Die
[Source: Comedy Central”]
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Yes I did hear through the grapevine that they are closing most locations.
I think the Burnside location will still be open, but will be seperated from the parent co. that started the other locations.
on the street
actually what the hell do i care… they shut down – basically it’s a distraction from their core business of Grenade. Not sure about the indoor park thingy… but i know they use that space for storage – so needless to say – it won’t be skated till well after the shipments for this season have been completed.
Kind of a shame – cool shop – cool dudes.
I was told Matt Kass runs and owns the Burnside location. The 82nd one is bizzy as fuck- I was just there and they are shipping Grenade like crazy. Basically the brothers had a fallout, Danny owns Grenade now. Matt and Nicole got a divorced and Matt is basically on his own. The ramps are unfinished, but damm close to completion.
word has it these guys owe some money for some coping…avoiding, frontin. Back to the mountain snowbunny!
Ramp are covered only with plywood, the kids rode them and put holes in them. They were covered in boxes that sounds like its done. Lets go get those ramps capsuels pump bumps, if they are getting rid of them it is a ton of ramps back there. Mostly built buy the dagger master, the eye- thai, you know him as I Break -A- U FACE Eddie Retagui.
I went out to dinner in Montavilla last night, down the street from The Office on 82nd. They had painted over all signs that said The Office and were hanging a picture of a grenade on the outside of the building. It looked peculiar, but that’s the only thing I know for sure.
Shrunken head and Cals!
When the Office closes, they go ride bikes.
the fall-out is true, Matt owning Burnside is true, the shop closing on 82nd is true. the ramps look fun as hell. gnarly for sure, but not completed.
I’m pretty sure that the Scranton brach is still open.
Yeah bro thats too bad, one more clique having its power base eroded by infighting and internal strife. As i see it the more we divide our scene the more opportunity for profit! if we distract kids with the illusion of individuality and choice by channeling the their energy and search for meaning in an ever increasing meaningless maze of gossip, sub scenes, and fashion we could finally get somewhere. I really liked the use of a grenade (weapon of war) while we are embroiled in war, sheer fucking genius or dumb luck who knows, but effective . The Snowboarding, skate, art, thing with the tightpant, punky, rocker, yet sensitive, black haired, indie vibe (emo) fits but it’s now negative attachment to a more mainstream mall vibe really undercuts the “in the know” feel i got upon walking into the shop. I did attend one of their art shows, a good mix of drunken rudeness by way of exclusion and contempt for those “out of the loop” though a disturbing number of fixed gear bikes littered the premises not a complimenting mix of sub scenes in my opinion, good band shirts though DEAD MOON,WARLOCKS,RED FANG, hot chicks chatting about the nothing you chat about on coke, really a model of “community” or “scene” in the contemporary sense i.e. setting boundaries/rules for “our” group to keep “them” out but more importantly to keep “us” in control and establish a hierarchy that is friendly or easy to control a “friendly fascism” if you will…whatever they snowboard.
Errrr… exactly?
“the tightpant, punky, rocker, yet sensitive, black haired, indie vibe”
Those guys are hot. If you do the right things, they will cover “Girl Who Lives On Heaven Hill” with their crappy band and dedicate it to you at their crappy basement shows.
Exactly Kilwag, exactly… meet nonsense with nonsense that makes some sense but not really and if i’m lucky get a reaction.
Burnsides Still Open.
Went There Recently.
But They’ve Got Complete Dicks Working There Now.
Unity is Fascism.