GVK#22: Washed up old vert skaters
The latest installment of G.V.K. Watching this video made me realize I have had the same friends for 20yrs +. Good or bad im not quite sure. At the very least this is proof that we are washed up vert skaters. So all we need is a vert ramp so we can go and have a place to talk about the good old days and (re-live) the glory we never had. To be totally accurate this footage is from the end of our low fidelity careers. This footage is from Boulder but the crew lived in Steamboat, Colorado, circa 90-93. Not much vert anywhere, especially Steamboat. We would literally go months with out skating, get antsy head to Boulder (3 hours) to see a show. Most of this footage is from a session before a Ramones show.
GVK#22: Washed up old vert skaters
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Hmm. Aren’t all your videos washed up old vert skaters?
Check out those backside airs by Matt… And Dr. Krohn with the sweepers on vert. We need to coax him up on the bigger stuff again.
There has been a lot of “archive” footage lately!
I was in Steamboat from 85 through 93, I learned a lot on those old steel ramps. In those days there was a public vert ramp every other town it seemed on I-70 from Denver to Glennwood Springs/ Carbondale. Used to be indoor parks in Fort Collins(Fort Skate) and Denver(Jamaica Jims) we would go to in the winter. It is funny to me our paths never crossed untill just the last few years around here. Anyways great video and thanks for the memories of some old skate spots.
I was in t-ride from 90-98, traveled a lot & skated boulder many times. the x-ramp in carbondale was one of the strangest ramps I’ve skated to this day. good times.
Yeah I almost learned inverts at that crappy wooden park at Steamboat. I hear they may have a concrete park now. The street part was pathetic, a decrepit fun box and low rail, maybe one launch ramp. We had a few fun downhill sessions off to the side of the mountain a little. Also, there was a mini ramp in a barn in Stagecoach. I remember Suicide Mike at the halloween party skating in bondage gear with all his body hair shaved off, eyebrows included. It snowed that night, and I think it was my first night in town, 1990, or 1991. I was stoked.
Grover – Where/when was that mini ramp footage shot? You look like you are 12 years old. (Nice turtle neck, BTW)
For those interested, Eugene’s footage was from Beaverton Oregon, maybe 2002, 2003.
Here’s a pic of an unknown skater I took at that Boulder ramp in 92 or 93. It’s the only size scan I can find. It was done for the web circa 96 so I was saving bandwidth.
Steamboat pics. Last ones, I swear.
At work in Steamboat. Photo by Dr.Krohn.

Anders Meyer AKA the Swede Steed in the chutes. I think they have lift access now.


…that barn party was so fun with the mini ramp and the first snow…I got wasted skating the ramp in drag and this girl I really liked wispered in my ear “let’s go back to my place for sex and some punk rock.” I remember it was an ALL record and then the Replacements “Stink”.
Is that the rock on the skiers left of the chute? Nice shots!
One rock is a skier. One rock is a backpack.
I’ve never been to any of these places, but reading the comments has made me real happy! especially the one from Brad!!!
that Replacements album is awesome…
Right-o chimp- that’s exactly why I write this stuff down- now you made MY day…”Hello, this is the Minniapolis police, the party is over…if you all just grab your stuff and go then nobody goes to jail…”
man long time ago i have been trying to find you guys forever!
i lost my address book after steamboat and that really su%&&
hope to get updated on whats happening!
Brad ,Cris,Randy ets ets Mail me AT anders_meyer@hotmail.com
would really be stoked to hear from you guys!
hope to hear from you all
best regards Anders The Swede
Anders!! Chris and I will be in Steamboat for Christmas!
for crismas we usually hit this out off bondary spot in Sweden where we hava a lodge and a ski do.
i was actually in the states in April surfing in Cali
had trestles perfect glass and dolfins.
What are you up to Work/ hobbies??
man do you remember that narly sessioun in steamboat when we dug out the ramps so that we could have a sprin sessioun?
i think i have some pics of that.
I actually started working a couple off years ago,but still try to work as little as possible,and then i just try to surf alot i can luckely still take like 8 veeks every vinter for a surf trip with my girlfriend.
i llove this song!