I won’t be making any updates this week. Here’s my 7 pound 10 ounce excuse named Simon, who was born Saturday evening at 8:14pm, Goofy foot.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on September 2nd, 2007
Categories: Annoy, Site Notes
I won’t be making any updates this week. Here’s my 7 pound 10 ounce excuse named Simon, who was born Saturday evening at 8:14pm, Goofy foot.
Congratulations Gawlik family! Hope everyone is doing well. I can
Congratulations to you and the missus!!!!!
Congratulations!!! Sr Kilwag!!!!!!!!!!
Félicitations !!!!!!!
Congratulations from down under.
all the best to the family. thank you for all you do.
Right On Kilwag, Let me wipe a tear of joy from my eye… Right On!
Congrats Randy and the Gawlik family. Nice one! Goofy-foot forever!
Congrats!! (Goofy foot is ok, just remember, no mongo!) HA!
Congrats! Best excuse ever.
cool, congrats man.
Congratulations! How about a cigar mini-session to celebrate?
“Simon Goofy Foot”. That’s a cool name. Congratulations!
Congrats.. you and Grover must be proud… oh wait… i mean…
Dude! Colin stole my line.
Anyhow, good breeding; Simon’ll make a fine Bacon team rider in due time…
it’s true… Simon is in fact the only one not sponsored by Bacon at this time.
Congrats Kilwag!! Good luck on the sleep part. Goofy footers kill it!!
congratulations…..simon is very cute!
Congratulations. Now that your going to be so busy….cam I have all of your skate gear?
Thanks everyone for the kind words.
Nobody gets my gear, I gotta leave something behind for the kids to auction off on eBay.
Congrats Kilwag!
Good thing he’s goofy footed, or I’d say put him up for adoption.
From one “Simon Goofy Foot” to another… welcome little buddy! Congrats to the parents!
Yay! Super Good. Remember how it happened for next time. Enjoy staying up all night!
Way to go Randy (And Gretchen!) Nice Labor day huh? Simon says “Feed me”. Simon says, “Wipe me”. Simon says “Now get back to work!”
dude lucky, you got a girl. i have 3 boys. oh wait the twins are starting preschool today. gotta get off the intraweb.
Congrats Randy and family! For the record, Goofy footed is referred to as “Good footed” or “G footed”.
Sorry I’m last,congrats! Thats the best man, Im goofy(footed) also! Ps:Baby poop doesnt start stinking until they eat solids…enjoy this while he’s newborn.
Wait til the day you try to run out the door with your noisey keys, your skateboard, and she’s wailing like a banshee because your leaving her behind……here’s a preview ” WHA WHA WWAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! DADDA DADDA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Enjoy that first 1.5 years, after that, your gonna have a new guilt. I have it. Thank god for my Freshpark QP in the garage or I wouldn’t even get a chance to skate. Oh CONGRATS on being a daddy, its the best gig in the world.
Congratulations to both of you!!! She’s So Cute! Good job!
Where are you guys getting “She” out of this?
It’s Simon, not Simone!
Great. 3 days out of the womb and the bigger kids are already calling him a pussy.
HA ha har har!
Way to go, how many of these things do you have now?!!
I kid, Simon is very tough and masculine looking.
At this rate, you’ll have like 8 before I get around to numero uno.
I’ve got two now, and no more. That’s it. I’m done!
Congratulations on the new addition!