Doctor: Skateboarding can be fatal
According to the The Post Tribune article Doctor: Skateboarding can be fatal:
A taste for adventure can be fatal for skateboarders who practice their stunts without a helmet or hang onto the bumper of a car.
In a study of skateboarding injuries, one out of every five kids who were hospitalized needed help with feeding after they were released.
“Sometimes, these injuries can have long-lasting consequences. Not being able to feed yourself is not that cool,” said Dr. Kyran Quinlan at the University of Chicago.
In response to these findings, one local research group has funded further research. Results after the jump.
The media is always trying to manipulate your worst fears. Like with this; see I know that kid in the photo …..and he’s a rollerblader. So there you go. Nobody actually gets injured on a skateboard.
word ta ya mutha.
take hint retard and putthe helmet on.