Delayed Trifecta coverage
I saw a nicely put together video highlight of the Pier Park leg of the Oregon Trifecta on YouTube. I thought it had a fresh approach so I decided to check out the “director’s” link only to be surprised that it was one of those action sports conglomeration sites called Banquet or Banqt.com. Aside from skating, surfing, and snowboarding, they also cover BMX, FMX (Freestyle Motocross?), mountain biking, wakeboarding, skiing (!!) and something they refer to as lifestyle. Yuck. The Trifecta video is still fun to watch. Hey, that’s even MC up there on the top right. You can watch two Banquet Trifecta videos after the jump. If it’s still pictures that are more to your taste, check out Earth Patrol Media’s recent Lincoln City coverage. Thanks to JF for the video tip
Oregon Trifecta video from Banquet
Both of these videos are also available as embedded files directly form Banqt.com, but they don’t appear to have the deep pockets that Google does, and as a result the playback is very herky jerky every time I’ve tried it.
Lincoln City
Pier Park – Portland