Fashion Shoot

Beep Beep. Turn to the left.

Nothing like taking a hard slam while a fashion model laughs at you. For some reason, the New York Times went all the way to Paris for a fashion shoot with skateboarders. Don’t they have models and a few skateboarders in New York? They’ve got a behind-the-scenes video and a preview of some of the still photos that will be featured in a Sunday Times Magazine spread. Brace yourselves for “High-Flying Fashion” and “Haute Wheels.” and keep your eyes peeled at the last slide for a bonus Beastie Boys fashion shoot. New York readers, someone please grab us a copy when it comes out and we’ll send you a little soemthin-somethin. I like Morgan’s attitude, even though his name doesn’t sound very French. I don’t know about you, but our Skate and Annoy sessions are never surrounded by a bunch of models. Maybe they were for Stuf, a zine out of Michigan that did the whole fashion and skateboarding thing first, back in the 80’s.

[Source: The Skateboard Mag]

Stuf Zine – a Michigan based publication during the 80’s.

Stuf Zine #13


6 thoughts on “Beep Beep. Turn to the left.

  1. Hey Kilwag, my friend gets the N.Y. Times every Sunday. I’ll have him keep his eye out for it.

  2. Dang, I bought the Sunday Times for you today (9/23). I couldn’t find this photo shoot in it. Maybe next week? Or don’t they have a mid-week fashion mag insert? dunno…

  3. Ouch. Sorry. Don’t buy anything on my account unless you know it’s in there. There was no print date that I was aware of, could be upcoming or even already passed.

  4. No prob, Kilwag. I didn’t intend to bitch, but rather elicit more info about when/where this shoot would appear. (I think SnA is great, so its all good.)

  5. Kilwag,

    What gives with this?? Was this for real or were you just ad libbing and archieval digging?? Nice shot of Davo kicking a layback eh?? Tell tale my brother………..


  6. Err, what do you mean? I was merely pointing out that Stuf did the fashion and skateboarding thing a long time ago, and I happened to have the proof!

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