Sheckler’s ego now too big to fit on web page.
…and the Skate and Annoy servers are being braced for an onslaught of teenage girls posting “why all the hating? UR just jealous!” comments. Ryan Sheckler has a show on MTV called Life of Ryan. And now, my life is complete. The programming geniuses nay, wizards at MTV are really on a roll here, recycling yet another another skateboarder reality show, this time even managing to rip off Monty Python in the process. Head on over to the web site for lots of Tiger Beat style pinup photos of Ryan and his cast of friends and family, which apparently involve 55 gallon drums of hair product. How can we say he has an out of control ego?
[Source: Skate Daily via Skateboarding Sucks]
oH my god LiKE totally no WaY! this is gonna RoCk !!! teh sheck is so LiKe hOt , FoR Realz
At the Action Sports Tour Dew Tour there was a big Panasonic tent that offered to get you inside Ryan Scheckler’s brain. I’m guessing it was a really tight fit.
MTV sucks ass…when is the last time they played a videoclip? Mediocre TV for retarded kids.
Way to ruin the website Kilwag. You get props for creating Web Traffic on some little girls RSS feeds.
like we need a jock skateboarder…
the king of all douches.
sir douche a lot.
Speaking of sir douche a lot i saw sheckler get knighted at mideval times last week. I thought they were filmin for laguna beach until they called his name out. His knight got destroyed during the tournament.
Real kids with real problems. Alot of teens will learn from this. I applaud MTV. Kudos.
The M stands for Marketing right?
OMG!I just wanted to give a shout out to my friend Kari and request the video”FLOAT ON” by ModestMouse cuz I think of Ryan Sheckler’s supercool ollies’and hair he’s sucha hottieandIwannamarryhimsoobad-AAAAAAIIIIEEEEEEGHH!!!!!!
the promo picture above makes him look kinda like Joey Lawrence,” WHOOOAH”
I just saw the MTV caravan chasing him around the Dew Tour- hope they got him crying for not winning today….that was classic.
Ryan Sheckler is a gigantic, stinky douche. No more needs to be said. =)
check out the cast, more stupid rich whiteys on TV.
Sheckler is what’s wrong with the skateboarding community. Girls didn’t give 2 shits about skateboaring, then this little teeny bop faggot had to show up and nows it all about the shecks.
check out this page and tell me who this looks like.lol.http://www.skaterlounge.com/img/sheckler.jpg
this showw is so sweett.! i love ryan sheckler and he’s a great skateboarder.!
I know that ryan probleby wont read this message but i hope he do.I think he is a great skateboarder and i have prayed to God that we will meat eachother.c.p
christina you need to pray to god to teach you to spell
Ryan Sheckler is such a hottie. He is an awesome skater too. You are such a kind brother too. Wishing you the best in the future.
Love Kayla xx
Ryan(Sheckler), you need to pray Christina doesn’t find your address….I get the feeling she’s comming for you..
….RIP skateboarding
exactly…signed the undertaker
I assume he is also being paid for the show. Beats working.
“The M stands for Marketing right?“
no, i think it stands for “mediocre.”
or perhaps “mongo footer,” since sheckiepoo is a recovering shitfooter.
or maybe it stands for “millionaire” or “multi-level endorsement and branding deals.” “momma’s boy” “mall cultureist?” “malleable?” “metrosexual?”
with all these choices, who can tell anymore?
ryan sheckler makes met wet
OMG i fukin luv yoooo xxxxxxxx omgomgomg ily sooo muuchhh Oooh, aah! yes! yes! uh, uh, unn, yeah baby, do you have a cigarette?
I guess the advent of text messaging really is causing a brain drain.
Wait, you didn’t think it would have that effect?
You do realize these are kids we’re talking about, it’s not as if their development isn’t challenged enough with the parental range of padded room protective, to “go watch you sum MTV, do your homework, and leave me, the Abc’s D, alone.”
And then there is the ever fledging school system which neither instills sense, sensibility, nor the realization there are more important things to do than spam messages through text all zamn day. But hey, it’s less dangerous than skateboarding, and less property damaging, rather the kids’ parents foot the bill for their leisure on top of funding the school “system” than respectable business owners and municipal pocketbooks having to…
Ohhhh, brain drain, well, supposedly there is an underdocumented adverse affect just from being exposed to the electromagnetic wave emitting devices.
I think it’s been said that the effect is negligible? …On fully developed minds maybe, but gee, I wonder what those waves do to adolescents’ brainwaves, hmm.
I guess only time will tell/have told.
all that nay be true, but on this particular website, it is ALWAYS the teenager’s fault.