More Create a Skate
Troy’s pictures from Create A Skate at the Dew Tour. That’s Paul Schmitt giving us the overview. The next step toward global domination – inserting skateboarding into the educational process. We have already taken over sports, art and politics. It is a great program, talk to your kids’ teachers.
Smoothing out the edges with a hand-router.
Ever notice how goofy footers hold their board different? Troy Sliter’s new custom freestyle deck and my Hammerhead-Fish-Diamondtail.
Hey, shut up, did I ask you to ride it?
Paul is the mang, so to speak. We’re going to try and set this program up at Bennett, CO where our DIY project is. Makes sense there, especially, because most of the kids can’t shell out the dough for skateboards.
will u sign me up pleaz