Dallas News does… er… Dallas
The Dallas Morning News has a surprisingly lengthy article on the older crew of skateboarders in Dallas that are still getting some, not only in local skateparks, but in less than legal pools as well. The article, titled These guys haven’t slowed down, talks a little about balancing their adult lives and responsibilities with skateboarding, and is thankfully short on the “Rad Dad” rhetoric. Here’s a good quote:
Now he wears a tie every day. But underneath the suit, he remains a skater punk. Mr. Stubbs says he has had to explain more than once to co-workers and clients why he has pus oozing through his slacks.
Reminds me of my friend Shawn who went out to skate on his lunch break, ate shit and had to spend the rest of the day explaining the holes in his fancy work pants and bloody knees. Now he carries an extra pair of work pants in his trunk. Not a prophylactic, but prophyl-slack-tic, as in “slacks.” Ba dum bump! Take my wife! Please! Uh, yeah. What else? The Sonya Hebert/DMN photo above has a quality that makes it seem more like an advertising shot from a prescription drug company or a financial institution than an editorial shot. I bet Sonya went to art school. Read the article in the Dallas Morning News. Thanks to Chip for the tip.
Yeah, I just broke my ankle and I am tired of all these corporate dudes going, “you skateboard!”, like it is something to be embarrassed of. I just wanna make my maps and not be judged by some guy wearing pleated khakis!
Do you have to wear khakis and a safari hemet while you’re making maps?
Bummer about your ankle, sorry to hear it.
The best I’ve heard here at my job was after i mangled my wrist, I had a co-worker tell me that I should wear a helmet next time….fucking idiots
after i mangled my wrist, I had a co-worker tell me that I should wear a helmet next time
Do you have to wear khakis and a safari hemet while you
This article was in my local newspaper this last sunday 8/5. Why is that dude giving up so much information about pool hunting?