Skate Tattoo Gallery. Call for submissions.
We’re starting a gallery of skateboard tattoos. Send in your pics if you want to be in it. Please include your name, the name of the tattoo artist (if you know it), the tattoo shop (if you know it), and approximately when the tattoo was new. Optionally, you can include a picture of yourself. I’m expecting to get a deluge of Independent and Thrasher tattoos, but don’t be afraid to send in the obscure, like this Natas panther Skate and Annoy hybrid. Skate and Annoy? WTF??? I found this buried an an email from 2005. House of Neil originally sent it to me, with the name “Friend of Wolfgang” attached to it. I’m pretty sure it’s just a coincidence. Friend of Wolfgang, care to chime in? On the right is a Bob Schmelzer graphic taken from his freestyle board. I’ll bet there aren’t to many Schmelzer tattoos out there.
Skate Tattoos
Send them in! Click the pictures to enlarge.
Like I said, we know next to nothing about this Natas panther/Skateboard Hooligan/Skate and Annoy hybrid tattoo except that it belongs to a guy with the nickname “Friend of Wolfgang.” If you are a friend of “Friend of Wolfgang”, please let him know he’s up here.
The tattoo below was submitted by Miss Flower, and it resides on Suzi GiVogue of Ottawa, Canada.
Suzi has this graphic tattooed on her thigh! She ripped the page our of Thrasher and brought it in. Suzi was 19, which makes the tattoo 16 years old. It’s a bit different than the one on the board because the right rose is black and the blue ribbon isn’t in this one. She doesn’t have the original trasher page anymore. Hard to tell the scale from the pic – it’s about 3 1/2 inches long.
And lastly, enjoy this gratuitous Bob Schmelzer video.
…that panther/hooligans should have been Neil’s friggin’ tattoo.
Hey guys,
The “Skate and Annoy” crappy panther is on me. I sing in a band called the Sheglank’d Shoulders (http://www.myspace.com/sheglankdshoulders), and “Skateboared Hooligans – Skate and Annoy” is a lyric from one of our songs.
Yes, it’s just a coincidence. I didn’t hear about the “Skate and Annoy” zine/website until a couple years after the song was written.
That photo was taken after the first session. There’s now some firey stuff in the triangle behind the panther, and some green leefy shit behind the triangle.
Maybe some other day when I’m feeling a little less lazy I’ll send in a better photo, and shots of some of my other skate tatttoos.
Rock on,
Get it together and post an updated photo of that tattoo, and some pics of some other tats.Tracker tattoos are infintely cooler than Independent or Thrasher tattoos, so you win!