It came from the 90’s
The great thing about the new millennium is all the small skateboard companies that are started by guys who aren’t really trying to be the next World Industries, and are more concerned with making something they think is cool. A lot of times the first board is a signature model for someone who used to be quite a bit more popular than they are now. Why are so many non-industry type skaters doing this? Maybe because it’s not that hard to scrape up the money to get a run of boards done. Maybe it’s because once you are older it’s easier to meet these people, especially if the star of their celebrity has faded some. Frequently, these signature board projects end up being something that misses the boat in timeliness by about 10 years or so. I’m not being critical, just honest. Heck, I’ve done the same thing, even twice. No wait, three times. What’s the latest? De La Soul has board out on Signature Skateboards. It’s got artwork from 3 Feet High and Rising and comes in two colorways with a total of 150 boards in production. I like me some punk rock, but I probably would have bought one of these back in 1990. Signature’s web site is a little error prone right now. So details are slim. Now about that P.M. Dawn skateboard… [Source: Nerd with Swag]
De La Soul Skateboard

For all the bitties in the BK lounge!
This is probably an old legacy Ebay Watch blog post. Some of the links may be broken or missing.
Check the Ebay Watch Features - It came from the 90's