Englewood Florida skatepark progress
Team Pain sent in a few pics of the Englewood Florida skatepark that is under construction. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because we covered it in January when a woman donated 200k to the mysterious project. I say mysterious because the only web presence for the city seems to be owned by a newspaper conglomerate that publishes for several small towns in the area. There is vague, limited information about the community. If I lived there I would find it kind of disturbing to have my town’s official news dissemination in the hands of a private company. But I’m getting way off track here. There are more pics and enlargements after the jump.
Englewood Florida Skatepark Construction by Team Pain
I can’t find a layout of this park anywhere. If you know where one is please send it in. There are a few more construction pics from earlier in the process over at Concrete Disciples. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a skatepark under construction where they pour the flat bottom of a bowl before the tranny, but you can see that’s how Team Pain does it if you follow the link.
Update: Link to the J.M. Berlin Rotary Skate Park MySpace page thanks to commentor Ed who says it’s not up to date at this time.
This photo was taken 2007 B.C. (Before Coping!)
And this one is after coping.
Part of the street course
Part of Team Pain, James Hedrick in the bowl.
A very nice looking brick bank under construction.
James Hedrick again. I guess it works…
Fun for all ages!
cool bank, china banks anyone?
Just build a snake run similar to that bank at Gabriel Park.
thats sick, team pain has always built good stuff but they’re stepping it up with this. i wonder if there will be pad nannies like at other florida parks.
The China Banks replica looks really cool. I suppose most parks do the flat in bowls last to discourage poaching? Keep an eye out for the city of Dunedin’s park… we’re next!!! : )
Faux brick = super sick!! We might do that at our diy thingy here, cause that dude up top is down.
Hmm. Check out the grout. Do you think that’s really faux brick? Looks real to me, more real than the fake brick I’ve seen.
Yeah, James lives right down the road from me. He explained the process to me. Its like those driveways that look like flagstone, but are actually just etched and dyed concrete. Its cool how they added an aged look by varying the finish. He keeps telling me specialty concrete work like this is the wave of the future. Concrete nerd for sure.
Sure are a lot of seams in that bowl. Are expansion joints a bigger deal in Florida?
there are no expansion joints in there.
What you see are saw cut joints designed to control cracking that is typical in this type of structure.. can’t even feel them.
fun park, 18,000 sq ft two bowls huge street and then some…
the park will be finished this month. Not sure how they will run it.
However they are wanting a “destination” park. So feel free and contact the city and tell them how destination parks work best if they are free.
Thanks for all the good words guys…
Bricks: So each fake brick square is died individually? Do you tape off the mortar lines or are they stamped like 3D bricks died and then mortared? Sounds like a lot of work. Is it textured?
I want to build a micro version of that on my patio.
The actual name of the park is the J.M. Berlin Rotary Skate Park named after the lady who donated the money in her husbands name. They do have a myspace page although it’s not current. Check it out at myspace.com/jmberlinrotaryskatepark. ED
Don’t know anything about concrete. What kind of concrete and how do you set the bricks. Tito? I’m serious.
Bricks: From what it sounded like, its a big stamp. I don’t know, maybe Tito can describe the process. Whatever the case, sick idea and a sick park.
it is stamped. not real bricks.
real bricks would carry too much maintenance and
would have too many imperfections.
with stamping you can control the depth of the grout lines so that you still get the feel of bricks but with a more level surface…
So how are you getting the grout lines? Are they grouted after the bricks are dyed and stamped?
Flat spot simulator!
Hey, guys. Check out the englewoodrotary.org web site for more info. The 3 local Rotary clubs put in the man power to raise the additional funds for this great park. We still have $300,000 to go. The grand opening is Saturday, July 14th at 9:30am. It is located on San Casa Drive in Englewood. Be one of the first to skate it!
Hi all,
my name is Marc and I will spend my summer vacation in Venice, FL.
I hardly can’t wait to skate in your beautyfull park.
Marc, Germany
The park is sick and yes it is real brick on those banks. the place is awesome and i have skated quite a few team pain parks across florida and this is by far the most fun. good thing it is only 10 minutes from my house!!check out the ariel pics on the team pain site http://www.teampain.com/flash/news/
when will the park be open and what’s the adderss
do u hav to sign a waiver?
i hate this park
everyone is a prick and
you need all your pads
id reather go to north port than this one
bikes allowed?
dude i have been to this skatepark.my house is right next to it, its in oyster creek.dudddddeee, this park rocks, opening day was awesome!i got in all week for free. the only bad thing is that u better pack your pads because u haft to have them aaaalllllllllllllll. there talking about making it free and public tho so idk
oh and they are reall, yes real real as real as it gets bricks
I’m gonna come down there and thrash that place for all it worth, looks like a bad ass tripple pumping bowl for all
diferent kinds of shit to go on ;zzlive liver moves with some big outti airs going frontside in just that right spot in da triple howl i gonna tear that bowlie up, look for me i’ll be the tall skinny ududer with long hair. Sksate on
yous dudus at that park !!!h
What are the hours, and prices? Long way to drive to have it closed.
will bikes be allowed if not please reconsider
sorry started to read more and found out my own ? but i do have another will there be any events in the future for bmx freestyle
Wrong site dude.
looks pretty sick, im going to florda soon… im not sure where but maybe ill get to skate here
They want a destination park but they don’t even put waivers online for peeps to download. I have to drag my nephews there and fake the waiver and hope it’s cool. Another great park run by idiots. But nice job Team Pain, you guys rock as usual!
another well built park ruined by the local government. do away with the fence and pad rule and this will be a quality destination park that attracts good skaters. Though i will be living near this park, I will never come here to skate due to the above mentioned rules. id rather skate flatground all day than wear pads at the best park in the world; any skater out there would agree with me (except maybe for vert dogs who, for good reason, wear pads regardless). Skateboard parks should be treated no different from a baseball field, basketball court or any other sport field, none of which have set hours or safety rules. the most common skateboard injuries (broken and sprained ankles and wrists, broken tibias, radii and ulna, and bruised hips and shins) are not going to be prevented by a pad rule anyways.
I am in the process of moving to Venice Florida and saw that Engelwood is in the process of buildiong a skate park where is it located?? We are formly from Engelwood.
Shut the fuck up cher. No one like you. Go visit your trucker husband.. By the way you have a big ghetto booty. Eww. Ure son keegan sucks at skatin. By the way.
why closed skatepark ?? I want open now!!!!!!
This post is 16 years old.