The spice of life
That’s right. variety is the spice of life. We’re looking to add another point of view to Skate and Annoy, something we’ve heard is called street skating, as implausible as that sounds, which is not to be confused with street-style, which is being, er, uh, practiced in the shot above that I got from the Chitown Shred archives. But seriously folks. We need to cover the grittier side of skating. I love skate parks, but there’s a different vibe with skating something found as opposed to something made for skating. Help us out, and get in contact if you think you can be our man on the street. Or woman. Geographic locale is not an issue.
You should inappropriately use Skate and Annoy materials to decorate (deface? naw) public places to draw some less internet-saavy but equally gritty sidewalk surfin cowboys to your site.
why are you holding Ray’s legs in that picture? I didn’t notice that before. And you have matching shorts. Cute.
We were doing something I’m sure we thought would be really funny at the time. Ray is also wearing an Adam Ant T-shirt with a tie around his head like a bandana.
…some of those shots, I swear they were from the Chicago Street Style Classic- remember that contest??
i see some more historical costume nominee’s!!
Randy, whatever happened to Ray? Has anyone ever heard from him? That photo seems both, so long ago and recent all at the same time. That photo is nearly 20 years old. What happened?
I just got back in touch with him about 8 months ago. He’s in Florida, married, runs this skateboarding web site called Local Exposure Mag.
…and its the worst website ever.
he was sponsoed by Walker, right?
Swiv, you want to meet up and skate one weekend morning?
Ray’s only sponsor was the US Airforce.
I remember meeting him on the quad once, he was really intense.
Yeah, he looked gnarly and intimidating, like the kind of guy who would beat your ass for criticizing his web site.
his site sucks…
He will beat you.
Brad’s right. That site is horrible. And pointless.
Geez guys, beat a dead horse why don’t ya? Not everyone is a super-web geek mastermind with a limitless pool of talent and skate spots like me.
He should beat you both.
House of Neil-
Sorry I haven’t checked in here in a while. I would LOVE to skate Wilson some weekend morning. I’m just not sure when I can. I have a new son at home. We just adopted him two weeks ago (he’s 6 weeks old) so kids and wife have me on a short leash until people start getting some sleep around the house. This weather has been kick ass and I really have the urge to skate for a while, thus reminding myself how old I am. In summary, any extraneous fun is out for at least the short term.
P.S. Grandpa Swiv here has a tip for you kiddies. Skate as much as you can when you are young because when you grow old, get a job, have a girlfriend or wife, kids, responsibilities, etc., you don’t get to skate very much. It’s pretty sad. So do it now!