Still not funny.
Let’s see, directional surfboard shape and no kicktail or upturned nose. Looks like that skateboard is stuck in 60’s. At least it’s 10 years ahead of the general feel of the comic strip. Did you know that daddy once had a drinking problem?
Bil Keane is a jag-off.
Man, I hate the freaking Family Circus
Do you hate it more than Cathy?
Hey Larry! What would make you think Bil Keane is a jag-off? Family Circus is a newspaper cartoon classic. It’s no Zippy the Pinhead or Maackies or Life is Hell. Family Circus is not bitingly sarcastic nor does it contain angry social commentary, but it certainly is a quality cartoon. I think it’s funny. It’s certainly not as lame as Love Is… or Cathy.
I was gonna ignore this but now I can’t…my beaf with Family Circus hinges on Keane’s well-known right wing/fundamentalist agenda. He’s a creep. Most people are aware of this so I imagine that is what prompted the prior comments.
Hey Brad! What’s so wrong with being rightwing? Or even fundamentalist? I am unaware of any point of view of Keane’s except for what comes through in his comic strip. Does he speak out anywhere else? If so, I’m not aware.
Yeah, it’s perhaps a throwback to an older generation. His characters a traditional family with a mom, dad and four kids that all seem to love each other. Sure he’s extolling the virtues of a nuclear family. Yikes! What a political statement!
Sure, it’s a romantic notion of “family”, but so what? Our society is need of traditional families and some traditional values (however each of us defines that). Is it a surprise that as the divorce rate increases and the traditional nuclear family is replaced by single parent (usually a mother) families, that we see more juvenile crime, kids failing and being failed by the education system?
Sure, Family Circus is sacherine and naive. But I enjoy the innocence of it’s humor as much as I enjoy the raw, challenging humor of someone like Dave Chappelle.
I think it’s cool to dislike Family Circus for whatever your reasons are, I respect your opinion. I’m not sure I agree that Bil Keane’s a jagoff for his opinions and the view of life he portrays in his comic strip.
What about Timble’s right wing fundamentalist agenda?
Har har. Is he a creep because of his agenda or is that a separate issue? I mean, just cause a guy has different beliefs doesn’t make him a creep. For instance, Mike Timble is a devout church goer and Christian, but I don’t consider him a creep. Weirdo? yes, but creep? No.
Randy, I think “weirdo” is accurate and “creepy” may apply too. Pretty fair assessment. I go to church every week, but I also have a pretty decent porn collection, and love to check out pretty women. Personally, I think it’s the porn part makes me creepy. But…hot chicks having sex on video…what’s not to like? Maybe it’s creepy that I admit to it.
But maybe creepy is more like the older dude using a telephoto lens to take pictures outside a gated toddler park in Chicago. THAT’s creepy! I seriously saw this guy with a high end digital camera doing this. It was hard to tell if he was a professional photo journalist or some sick pervert. And, I didn’t have time to check him out as I was late driving some where.
while you’re all here, Brad and Randy, Social D is playing at a club in Urbana on June 29th. Road trip?
That’s a long way to go to see the Mike Ness show.
Social D is releasing a Greatest Hits album. WTF?? And it’s a really uninspired (and short) selection of songs too. 1 new song on there, tempting ll of the Social D nuts (like me) to buy it. But fuck that. I’m gonna buy (or acquire) that 1 song by other means.
speaking of jackoffs hey mike timble you think you buy enough asian porn with the company money. I mean who know its your money but downloading porn and hiring young asian teens looks kind of bad. And someone is gonna let you adopt