Tigard skatepark by Dreamland?
Sorry, I had the wrong town in the title. Okay, how many of you bastards knew about this and didn’t tell me? I had to check out the Sleestak blog from the earlier post today and found this. Another Dreamland park in the area? One more for the cannonball run: Pier Park to Tualatin to Donald to Newberg to McMinnville to Lincoln City.
HOW much did Tigard spend on designs from Pukiss Rose???
The other is why hire some out of state turd builder to come and take OUR hard earned tax dollars out of state?
Don’t we have enough SHIT parks here in OREGON??? MOLLALLA, St helens, Scappoose, Canby, Clackamette (purkiss rose park) Tualatin is a shit park by who else Purkiss rose. Gresham, Burns is a hot park too.
Sometimes I wonder, and other times I’m f in RIGHT!
and for Christsake, Tualatin is not Tigard.
it’s Tigard skatepark with purkiss rose designs, tweeked to hopefully make it Dreamland.
Tualatin already has a turd designed by PURKISS ROSE. who built it could have been some illegal aliens from who knos where…
what’s your problem? cut off the language and don’t be so negative. u know why they make skateparks? so kids like me stay off the streets out of the way and it’s a positive way to keep us from doing drugs! next time i think you should keep your mouth shut.