Caballero endorses Golden Dragon

The dragon that laid the golden egg.

Steve Caballero has endorsed Powell’s new line of beginners boards (AKA Cheap and Chinese) called Powell Golden Dragon. Tony Hawk does it, Andy MacDonald does it, even Mike McGill does. Why not Cab? The Powell versions ($70) seem to be a notch above Andy’s ($50) and Mike McGill’s (models from $30-$60). I couldn’t find a link for priccing on Hawk’s low end models. Maybe I imagined them. The Golden Dragon trucks even have a bit of interesting detail instead of being completely devoid of character. Let’s see, Cab, Hawk, and McGill. When do Lance and Tommy come out with their own line of cheapo skateboards? What about Per Welinder and Rodney Mullen? Oh wait, they already have crappy boards.


5 thoughts on “The dragon that laid the golden egg.

  1. chinese kids need jobs too…

    just kidding, this sucks though, cab was one of my favs, that makes grover my favorite vert skater now.

  2. Paying people to skateboard undermines the efforts everyone who skateboards without being paid and turns skateboarding into a spectator sport. God, I hate spectator sports.

  3. It’s easy, just buy a Merde or Cold War deck. You’ll be supporting local guys who don’t get paid to skateboard and they’re made in the U.S.A. Easy choice if you ask me.

  4. While I do agree with supporting local non corpo american made skateboard companies. My friends girlfriend had one of these laying around her house (duh blue one.) and I sat there looking at it for about an hour trying to figure out if it was some clever rip off that they were allowed to print powell on as long as it said golden dragon afterward, or if it was some sort of econo-powell.
    If its any consolation it was of much higher quality than the andy mac or mike mcgill wal-mart specials.
    Acctually not a bad skateboard at all.
    I also fucked around on one of those tony hawk birdhouse completes once. it was okay. almost as good as the powell.
    A decent entry level skateboard for a kid wanting to get into skating without much money. I guess. But why not just get a blank in that case? I dont know. Im rambling about complete bullshit now…

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