More Santa Cruz Wave action
Judi Oyama – Judi Oyama was born and raised in Santa Cruz, has been skateboarding for 33 years (currently ranked first in the World in slalom masters), and is an artist and graphic designer for Giro/Bell Sports. Judi worked with local skate artist Jimbo Phillips and concrete artist David Pettigrew to create a proposal for the park’s strongest visual element, the 18′ full pipe. A graphic grey-tone wave illustration will be transferred onto the full pipe using sandblasting and other concrete sculpting techniques. In addition to highlighting the wave form of the full pipe and addressing the park’s proximity to the ocean, the finished piece will also serve the functional need of discouraging park visitors from climbing on the wave form.
I didn’t realize the public art aspect of the new Santa Cruz skatepark was done with the help of Jimbo Phillips. Judi herself sent in a link to some shots of the wave graphic preparation. Turns out it was sandblasted. Check it out. Also, check out the Santa Cruz Skate Park Blog.
Awesome…..How long you think this would last at Pier? One night before vandals spray paint “fuck you bitch” over it?
Pink Taco
Lil Pimp.
I heard the mad shitter struck Pier Park again last weekend.
I guess I’d rather have bad graffiti than pooh…
I had to wipe “puke” last Sunday…some retard puke in the bowl and it was slick as hell. Idiots.
looks like a kick ass park. i live right over the hill but have 3 kids…so i will get there when i can. its raining today so i hope the opening goes ok…