May 24th 2007- Neil Heddings Returns To Skateboarding
I just received an email from Neil’s mom, Shirley Heddings, and she has informed me that Neil is getting out of jail May 24th. She also hinted about a fundraiser, not sure where its going to be- from my guess it won’t be outta the state of California for quite sometime.
I’m looking forward to seeing the most natural skater back at it, he’s been pent up for a long time. I can only bet Washington St is going to be his domination, once he’s finally free of his 8X12 cement box. Anyone see the new Skateboarder, he’s already getting coverage again!
For those of you that would like to see the facts of his case go here and read. If I hear anything more- I will post it here on SKATE AND ANNOY DOT COM (annoucer voice)!
A lot of people will be stoked to read this. Now what this post needs is a picture…
Updated with picture for Kilwag!
Hi Shirley here. Neil’s mom. Yes there is going to be a fundraiser March 31st at Moonlight Theater in McMinnville Or 6pm-10pm. Raffles, big screen movie theater etc. $5 to get in, free raffle ticket. Thanks to all of Neil’s friends and supporters up here in Oregon. Valley Skates, Dreamland Skate Parks, Sparky, Sage Boulard, Pigpen and many more. Help us out to help pay restitution. Neil will be free soon. Go to http://www.martyforever.com turn on your sound and you will hear the song Tattoo’s and Scars written and sang by Carter Falco a friend of Neils.