Extreme sports enthusiasts can’t wait to get their hands on this one – and attach it to their helmet, arm, leg or bike! David Addington brought a Oregon Scientific ATC1000 helmetcam to Pier Park a couple of weeks ago. I put together a few of the clips with some of the photos from that day. Check out the 15 frame per second motion sickness inducing video. What’s it like doing an air across the top of the mousehole? Read on.
Skating footage is Dan Hughes and MC. Thanks to Doug for getting the disc to me.
If you are used to wearing a helmet, you don’t notice the camera while you are wearing it. It holds a lot of low resolution video and sound. It would probably work nice as a chase camera and I would like to see it mounted at eyelevel or on your front foot or possibly… crotchcam! I thought I would see the board more often. You could probably mount it pointing slightly downward so it’s pointing at the coping from eye distance or the board during a grind. You get to see Dan’s board but not mine except when I fall.
i just threw up my lunch.
I warned you.
funny stuff…