We thought we might be able sneak in a quick session at the end of the day. Local streets had dried up so we went for it. The closer we got, the wetter the windshield became. When we got there, a few kids were camped out in the pipe. More pics of this momentous session after the jump.
The pipe was dry when we arrived. After about 10 minutes the creek through the middle started flowing so we stopped skating. When the drizzle subsided there was quite a bit of wind, so we wiped down a small section of the mini and the wind evaporated the remaining water in about 10 minutes. We had about five minutes of session before the drizzle came again and we gave up.
This isn’t snow. It’s rain. Steve grover is grinding the lip of the mouse hole.
This guy’s name is Paul. He didn’t skate long enough for me to set up a proper shot.
It’s starting to run down the role in, but that doesn’t keep Grover from dorking.
you bastards!