Some indoor park in SLC
This pic is from a SLC skatepark called Real Ride. I don’t know if it’s still open because this was taken way back in 2002 when I was part of the work crew building a vert ramp for the Olympic Village. You can see a larger full frame version after the jump.
Yeah. Here it is. I can’t remember this guy’s name. There’s an amusing but way-too-long story here:
what’s with the tiny-headed monster skater guy???
I like the pose. I think it’s crane fighting style. Daniel-san, Wax on. Wax off.
Real Ride is long gone – none of the indoor parks last long around here. The winter’s are cold but it’s hot in the summer so no on goes to the indoor ones much once spring kicks in. There’s more and more parks being built here as well. There’s some photos and a couple of video clips on my site.