Portland gets more green for concrete!
$1,092,000,(!) to be exact, and we need to thank them. The point is to make a few calls thanking the right people. Word is that a phone call carries more weight than an email. All you need to do is call and let the office know that you appreciate the money and effort being directed towards public skateparks in Portland, and they are doing a good job. The end result is that they will be more inclined to follow through with money for the rest of the system. Phone numbers, links and more after the jump.
From Antigravity Press:
More money for skateparks!
As announced on the new SPS website Portland City Council today approved $1,092,000 for the next phase of our 19 skatepark system. That’s a million dollars!
Thank yous are in order if you would please call the offices again. Those numbers again:
Mayor Potter’s office 503-823-4120
Parks Commissioner Salzman’s office 503-823-4151 (special thanks to him, he proposed the money for skateparks!)
Commissioner Adams office 503-823-3008
Commissioner Leonard’s office 503-823-4682
Commissioner Sten’s office 503-823-3589
You can see the locations earmarked for these two parks in this post.
$1,092,000? Where did the $92,000 figure come from? Why not $1.1 million even? I’m not complaining by any stretch, just ignorant of the process. Also, the new SPS web site is not quite ready for prime time. It’s a work in progress that when finished will be more useful than the old site. Give it some time.
The picture above is from opening day at Pier Park. On the far right are Commissioners Sam Adams and Dan Saltzman. Sam’s web site currently has some cool video of Portland’s tram being tested.
You guys must be stoked – I know how starved you are of decent skate spots over there
Yeah. It’s rough.
Pinch me! I must be dreaming! On second thought, don’t pinch me. I don’t want to wake up.
…and word is also that a personal letter carries more weight than an e-mail and a phone call…at least that’s what they say.
Except in the case of public office.
I called. (post if you called)