Joe not-so-Cool pushes mongo and worse, rides vert.
Snoopy has been known to ride a skateboard or two, at least on shirts and toys. This may be the first time he’s ever appeared in animated form on skateboard. He’s A Bully, Charlie Brown aired over the Thanksgiving weekend to little fanfare. The copyright is 2006 and though already deceased, Charles Schultz is listed as a producer. It must have been in the works before he passed on. Video link and more captures after the jump.
Here you go. Watch the vid and then watch it get dissected after you scroll down.
Nice half pipe in the middle of the street! Forget about backyard culture, bring it to the streets. This half pipe was found in an archeological dig dating back to the late 70s. Notice the complete lack of flat bottom, and minimal platforms. We call this specimen U-shapedus Slideus.
OK. So Snoopy pushes mongo. What of it?
This is a backside air grabbing the nose.
Is Snoopy sponsored by Tail Devils?
Barging through a crowd of pedestrians. A classic, timeless move.
Hey, how Mongo get air?
Mongo only pawn… in game of life.
hey!! snoopy is going to do a nose bash kinda like the jelly belly!!?? its a cartoon thang!
that’s hilarious.. cause i actually saw this with my kids at my parents house in LA and was thinking the same thing about the Mongo. And i appreciate the Blazing Saddles reference from MC
Why everyone hate on chongo, Chongo push power!! Way to go Snoop!
Awww…. I love snoopy! As a kid, that was my fave comic besides garfield! So stop being rude to the main pup!! He is a hero to me! LOL >.<
Don’t blame snoopy for being awesome! I’m the fan of snoopy! So stop being mean! And who the heck is “mongo” and why is he more important then the all time classic snoopy? You people need to get a life because snoopy is the best! He is pure genius! And who cares if snoopy skateboards? At least he is awesome at it for a dog! Hes awesome and you know it!!!!
Yeah! Who cares if I don’t know why I’m visiting this web site? Where am I? What’s a Snoopy?