Corvallis Pool
This pool was up and running for just about forever and a day. There were rumors of $200 tickets being given out but that was likely just subterfuge as nobody seemed to actually know anyone personally who had gotten a ticket. The pool was in a motel that was being torn down. Seems like that was going around this summer. In any case, there are action photos to be seen as well. I’m trying a different approach to the thumbnails for the sake of uniformity and saving a little production time. Sometimes they are close to full frames of the enlarged versions, sometimes they just highlight interesting parts. Please let me know in the comments how you think it works out. Check it out.
Nice shots! Sorry I missed that session. Those pics of Mark without his helmet are great. I like the gray highlights he put in his hair just to look older. 🙂
thumbnails fine.
Why the fuck and who the fuck is stupid enough to post pictures of a pool and then tell where it is. where im from people get the shit kicked out of them and then are never aloud to ride any pools ever again. its against all pool skating rules and by the way this pool was shut down. probubly because of you fags. good job and thanks alot. HAIL SATAN and fuck all you queers who blow out pools.
i am sitting at home lately so i have nothing better to do than answering to everybody who pisses me of. you bucky dumbfuck. that pool was ridden to the very end right before it was torn with whole motel and later turned into who knows what. not because anybody blowing it. you know shit about it and if you meet me remind me who you are tell me you are A FUCK and we can talk.
btw, anybody whos hailing satan is as retarded as any lunatic loving jesus. whats wrong with you fucky?
Yeah Bucky. Learn how to R-E-A-D. The pool was demolished before the pics were posted!
Even if you can read, the tip off should have been the vacant lot where the pool used to be, or even the shot of the pool about to be destroyed. Kind of hard to blow out a pool that has been torn out of the ground already.
Way to go Randy, now everybody knows where the pool WAS 😉
some coping from that pool was recently seen at the Seattle DIY. the fate of that pool- the lot is currently under construction to be the new home of Willamette Vet CLinic
p.s. bucky should also learn to spell
yeah kilwag wtf blowing out that pool i was gonna dig it up…
Don’t forget that session also inspired this comic. Whew, number 16.
Looking at that comic s like watching the earliest episodes of the Simpsons or Peanuts cartoon where everyone is all weird looking.
hey bucky, you sure do get around the internet to spread your shit talking, don’t you? These guys may not know you, but I wouldn’t be surprised in the least bit if you’re the same bucky I know. Don’t worry though, it rains too much for you to skate anything at all in the NW, so you can keep all your pools “where your from”…
The blocks you speak of are in my possession they are strait wall pieces only cause I have no need for radius pieces (yet) . I am going to make a few nice molds out of them so if Any1 wants a few blocks post a comment in here with ur info and we can discuss cash or trade (old skates). I will pour them with the diamonds or without your choice. late…
i wouldnt mind a few pieces. I first skated that pool back in 1997. I think Bucky might be that kook from California. Harry, you can get my e-mail from Randy @ this web site dot com
nweyesk8 ” i think bucky might be that kook from california” hmmmmm is he the same kook that kicked you out of a pool… and i think the real kook is someone who builds a small mini ramp in a big yard, haha and brags about it, posting pictures of it like it is some kind of master piece…..of shit anywho I WOULD rather skate corvallis park or a painted curb over a TYPICAL mini ramp NUFF SAID. oh yeah and praise the beast, bucky would kick your ass if he knew you were talking shit
Im a kook from CA…but we all look alike.
Bucky must be super tough if he would kick ass on everyone who talked shit here..I counted 6 so far that had something say about it.
So unless he’s the incredible fuckin hulk I think
Marek, Kilwag, Danimal, NWEYESK8, OREZONA and JF can sleep tonight.
But then, he’s down w/Satan so you gotta be tuff to claim Beelzibub…praise the board.
im not going to get into a verbal war with you colin. you have fun riding your basement ramp and I will enjoy riding my ramp. I thought about building a ramp in that basement when i lived there back in 98′, but the ceiling isnt very tall down there is it?
those pictures are from last summer when the ramp was being re-assembled.the ramp in was donated by a friend who was moving and couldnt take the ramp with him. It is far from typical. that bank is almost 7 ft tall and steep with a vert face topped by pool coping opposing it. It will get some more things added on soon when it gets it’s new skin for the summer. Also,I remember skating that pool with bucky a couple of times and never getting kicked out.
like 9ft maybe, i dont know