Excuse me sir, can you spare a skatepark?
As folks in Mexico City set up the discarded refuse tax deductible ramps donated by the X Games, a couple of thoughts occurred to me. Who actually took possession of the ramps? What I’m getting at is will kids have to pay a private entity to skate these, or are they part of parks program now? More importantly, the X Games should have a highly visible foundation set up similar to Tony Hawk’s, whose primary goal is to facilitate the construction of free, public skateparks, either through financial contributions and/or arranged corporate sponsorships. Let the suits actually give back to the sport in some other way besides paying the salaries of a small group of competitors and propagating marketing stereotypes in commercials and advertisements.
It looks like the vert is nearly completed, and they will begin setting up the “street course” very soon. Apparently there hasn’t been a decent skate park in Mexico City since 1993.
– Thanks to John Aguilar for the tip. [Source: ReSkate]