When animals attack
A certain someone I know loves those ridiculously tacky nature shirts with airbrush styled wolves and eagles and bears. He’s been known to frequent many a skate spot wearing a shirt covered in similarly styled killer whales frolicking all over it. Some one at Element either shares his sense of humor or has the same bad taste. They have collaborated with The Mountain on a series skateboards and t-shirts. Seriously? I mean is this a goof or what? What’s next, a collaboration with the guys who make… I don’t know, “No Fear” t-shirts? See if you can make sense of this.
AHHHH! When I sold tobacco products (ahem, paraphenelia?), we had these t-shirts and the suburban washed-out hippies ate them up! They’re like $30 for a tie-dye t-shirt with some stereotypical Native and a buffalo on it. Holy moly. Better investment than a Skid Row banner? It’s anyone’s guess. I will tip off my buddies at the Stash and maybe they can get the matching skate decks!
just like anything else element it looks lame. without mike v or bam i dont think they would exist. theyre just perfect for youngins with their safe graphics.
Although I think the next logical progression in this line would be to make Amy Brown fairy decks. Maybe Element can launch their Kokopelli line after that.
Are you guys serious? You dont know about these shirts? Its just another example of skaters on top of the fashion trend. These are the total ironic hipster style shirts. All the coolest kids wear them … you have to be coolcause well they are butt ugly. But seriously look at some cool NY fashion mag or even some Skateboard road trip article… you’ll see em. I bet they’ll be popular. Waite a few more monthes and the Portland Mercury will use the same design for their t-shirts.
so last year.
last year or last decade?
They were cool last decade but last year they were ironically cool, which is even cooler. This year, they are being intentionally manufactured and are post-ironically cool.
I like them on all levels but will probably not have the courage to wear one until they are uncool again, which will be soon as ‘post-ironic cool’ fades fast.
Kids seem to love them: http://www.birkoph.com/Wolf_tshirt.htm
That birkoph site has the funniest comments about that shirt. I’m sure a Born to Roam shirt gets you lots of tail.
so last year
Greg N… hmmm. are you that guy that shows up at the spot on a circa 70’s motorbike with cafe style bars sportin a dirty moustache and sprayed on jeans wearing a mott the hoople shirt listening to hawkwind on a boombox you carry while skating doing dork tricks only seen in foundation videos?
I’m sure if you take enough drugs, the animals against the tie dye start to come alive! The only people I’ve ever seen wear these are old dudes who never seem to change their clothes anyway, and ladies so fat they can’t fit into anything else.
“a circa 70
I’ve never understood “ironic cool”. Taking stuff that is lame and “re-claiming it” never did it for me. This includes people who dress like heavy metal losers and red necks too. And the whole 70’s fashion craze as well. How about coming up with something totally new and unique?
Ha. Vivienne Westwood. You reclaimed safety pins and the zoot suit and put the Sex Pistols in titty T-shirts. Fashion is boring. Live fast, die young, dress in the dark!
I never understood the need for multiple fake internet names. Just pick one fake internet name and stick with it.
If streets can have multiple names why shouldn’t dogs be able to have them too?
Its all about timing the irony. Putting it in a new context is doing something new with it. Like middle class hipsters drinking working class beer even though its piss water. Fashion, gotta love it. I skate vert when I’m feeling ironic.
All beer is working class!
When I went to Reed, kids who were loaded dressed in ripped flannel shirts and drank Natural Ice. They had a beer club that provided 40s of PBR on Tuesdays, but you know those kids could afford a keg of Newcastle instead! Fashion. Pffft.
“When I went to Reed”
Bwahahahahaha! I can’t say I’m surprised…
Class of 1981. Go Lemmings!
Who pissed in your beer, tough guy? What’s it to you?
Kilwag (Gawlik!): so its the singer not the song?
Where did you study E.C.?
Reed! College! Book learnin! Why I outta…
Yeah, Dr Brad Krohn, Westwood, Pinchy, Westerburg, I’ve got one fake internet name (Kilwag) and I stick to it.
I think Enemy Combatant has a secret crush on Paige. That’s the only reason I can figure for the unwarranted harshness. Just like grade school.
It was Wasterberg you douchebag, that’s why it was funny – it was a pun. And the ‘Mats weren’t on Bigtime, it was Twin Tone – I swear you are losing it, get a vasectomy!
I am rubber you are glue. Bigtime Twin Tone? Who said anything about either of those? If you have to explain why it’s funny, it aint.
“Where did you study E.C.?”
Cal. Go Bears!
how about Fall Downstairsberg?
“how about Fall Downstairsberg?”
Plaid Pantry currently has 16 oz. 6-packs of Old Milwaukee cans on sale for $2.88 (plus deposit)!!!! Why spend more to fall down stairs?
I totally love e veryone on the website.
I can’t believe you bought Old Milwaukee, you douche. Buy Dead Guy Ale or go home.
Weed College.
i own all wizzard wear. skate boards are just the next step.
Do these new decks come with a Dream Catcher too?
Crank Yankers called that hippie store I worked in and asked me about dream catchers.
I have that purple one with the wolf on it. ITS AWESOME! I get heaps of respect with it. the only problem is when I acid drop down Q-pipes the wolf gets scatched off. :'(