R.I.P. Jay Adams
Dead at 53 from a heart attack, as reported by Fox Sports, among others. Catch a 2008 Interview with Jay after the jump.
Photo: Glen E. Friedman
Kyle Browning interviews Jay Adams in 2008 (Source: Glen E. Friedman.)
Dead at 53 from a heart attack, as reported by Fox Sports, among others. Catch a 2008 Interview with Jay after the jump.
Photo: Glen E. Friedman
Kyle Browning interviews Jay Adams in 2008 (Source: Glen E. Friedman.)
Rest in piece Jay
Your lessons will love on through all
Who better their communities
I’m surprised that there aren’t more comments on this. Jay Adams was the innovator of radical skateboarding. He may have lost his way later on, which may be why his passing hasn’t been lamented in same way as Shogo Kubo’s was, but we owe Jayboy a lot for leading the way early on.
A pattern is emerging here though; both Jayboy and Shogo were in their early 50s, still doing extreme sports, and both suffered heart attacks whilst doing it. Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate how far into the 50s such a physical activity can be taken.
Are you fucking serious? Both jay and shogo did enuf blow to drop a heard of bull elephants…jay got heavy and so did shog, these factors prolbably led to an earlier demise, it’s people like u solboy that make skateboarding a youth demographic thus ruining it for the older heads…
er, yeah, I implied that drug abuse caused these early deaths, but in more diplomatic way, out of respect for the families of these guys. I am well aware that they both did lots of sniff.
Maybe there is no pattern to this, but it seems to be happening too often. I imagine some of the other surviving Z Boys are booking medicals right now. Skating is a very physical activity, and add it to a rock n roll lifestyle and something’s got to give, as we have seen.
Oh yeah…and “people like me ruining for older heads” Really!!? I don’t think so mate… I’m am an older head. I’ve been skating since 1976. I’ve helped to get local parks built, and I think I’m a featured skater on this site somewhere from back in the day.
Belishi, river Phoenix Heath , ledger , Brittany Murphy all died way younger than jay from drug use if anything skating kept jay alive…rip jay sk8er 4 life….
Yandall lived healthy …
Rip jay ,my condolences to your kin
@solboy, two isn’t a big enough sample to call it a pattern.
Also, there’s no such thing as extreme sports.
RIP Jay. It is too soon for you to go. But you’ll be forever remembered.
RIP Dignified Jay Adams.
I didnt know you personally but thanks from a stranger for fighting to be real in a fake world. Your life through skateboarding led the mind to consider the finer things. It really meant something to people.
There are a lot of dismal bastards on the way trying to bring riding down to their level and steal from people.
The path you could inspire people to follow was the antithesis of that. And it was hard earned. And right.
Not everyone has the spirit to follow the right path. Some of us need help.thank you.
Love Campbell’s call-out of the anecdotal evidence…so true. Regarding the lack of comments on our Jayboy: it figures.
“I’m just here to bum lives”. -Jay Adams at the Cuckoo’s Nest
1980’s Zipperhead: an ultra-rare species of elusive pith-helmeted cool leaving only the occasional laced breadcrumb for us to follow, typically in the form of someone else’s vague or cryptic comment about him…
Jay was the best,and my personal fav of all time. His surf inspired moves revolutionized skate boarding. He made it look effortless and so cool. R.I.P. jay adams.
Skateboarding Saves Lives! Drugs and alcohol, not so much. A lot of us skaters partied hard in the past and now have to suffer the consequences. Getting back into Skateboarding has bought us some extra time. Eating good food and skating is probably the best things you can do health wise. R.I.P. Jay Adams. Your legend lives on!