Thall shalt have a sense of humor
Gotta give that to them. Funny thing is, it’s not much of a spot, just a sidewalk outside a church.
– Thanks to Kevin Decker for the photo.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on June 18th, 2012
Categories: Annoy, Skate Harassment
Gotta give that to them. Funny thing is, it’s not much of a spot, just a sidewalk outside a church.
– Thanks to Kevin Decker for the photo.
jesus would have trashed that place, on a scooter
what if I pray while I skate?
Pow pow pow!
“The Bullet Point Commandments”. lol!
Dude, Hell is like filled with all our favorite heroes, so why follow rules, man? Be a non-conformist!
be a contorsionist.
Christian Hosoi just came to KCMO and was asking everyone to stop skating while he prayed. I guess he hasn’t read Matthew 6:5 or maybe he thinks it doesn’t apply to him.
Uh…I like Hosoi and all but I don’t think I would like being told to stop skating so he could pray. I would’ve pretended to not understand what he was saying.
Hosoi asking people to stop skating while he prays is kinda like an extension of his narcissism.
Well put.
Pete for the win!
That dude bugged in the ‘eighties and he’s not showing signs of improving.
They messed up with “shall”, when it clearly should be “shalt”….
seems reason enough for some smiting, stoning, or murdering.
The good book says so.
thou shalt not messeth wiff ye olde englishe
it is a total “messe”
(french for “mass”)
That sign seems very conflicted. Don’t recall ever seeing stationary, roller bladers on skateboards.
thou shall not listen to some dead jew